Edit: I don’t drink alcohol, it’s just the best way to describe it. From comments I’ll be going on a low carb diet, thank you all.

Explanation: male, 38, 130 pounds. Skinny, low muscle mass but have a beer keg belly.

My day is 7am wake up. Get kids to school. Work until 5. Get kids from school. Cook, shower and then I’m exhausted AF.

I’m semi fit? I’m a mechanic professionally and spring til summer I mountain bike regularly. So my calves are monsters.

But would like… basic at home sit ups. Push ups etc like on a Saturday, would that help at all?

  • IMALlama@lemmy.world
    1 month ago

    Is there a soft layer between your finger and abs that you can press through to get to your abs? It yes, jigggily and subconscious fat. If not, firm and visceral fat. Visceral is far worse for your health and is associated with higher carb diets.

    Low carb is an excellent way to drop weight, regardless of what kind of fat you have.