• moody@lemmings.world
    25 days ago

    It’s definitely got similar vibes with a lot of weird interactions added to it that they don’t tell you about until you’ve already done the action.

    For example, a fire type attacking an air type causes an air wall, which then blocks the next two attacks. But you don’t know that until you’ve already attacked.

    A glitter type attacking any other type turns the target into a glitter type, and any element attacking a glitter type turns it into that element. That means that a battle with glitter types causes weaknesses and strengths to vary wildly throughout a battle. And battles in the game are 2V2, so it can get pretty chaotic and confusing.

    Some of these buffs or debuffs don’t really make any sense and if you don’t look up interactions ahead of time, you wouldn’t expect them to happen.