Debian is a large, complex operating system, and a huge open source project. It’s thirty years old now. To many people, some of its aspects are weird. Most such things have a good reason, but it can be hard to find out what it is. This is an attempt to answer some such questions, without being a detailed history of the project.

    1 year ago

    From what I’ve read from other comments, the move to systemd was pretty much decided by the entire dev community because it made things easier. Debian was apparently slower to adopt it but saw where the concensus was and went with that.

    Give the mailing list archives of the time some reading, the decision was definitely not consensual. I’m glad gentoo, slackware and, later devuan did not take the easy way out. Being few (their site lists ~1100) as an argument, well… dunno, fairly understandable maybe.

    What do you mean by compromised?