Okay, maybe a silly question, but I am looking for recipes for tomato sauce. Not pasta sauce, not spaghetti sauce, but the stuff that comes in the little 8oz cans that’s basically just tomatoes and salt! We use a ton of it in different recipes and I’d love to be able to make my own, but when I try to look it up I only get recipes for pasta sauce!!

I’m sure it’s not that hard, but I know the texture has to be just right (to a certain extent) for it to work in other recipes. Has anyone made their own tomato sauce/have any tried and true recipes? Please share your wisdom 🙏

Edit: This stuff below, different from tomato paste, but very similar!

  • Perhapsjustsniffit@lemmy.ca
    13 days ago

    It’s all in the cook time and having a good pot when it comes to consistency. The good pot is key with tomatoes because they burn so easily when thickening. Many will say to remove as much water as you can first but you don’t want to do this because that’s where lots of nutrients and flavor come from. A slow cook is much better. As another poster suggested it is the same as making tomato paste just a different consistency. I usually roast everything first as well as is my habit from professional kitchens.