I clearly remember an illustration of Rozemyne driving -proud as can be- in her highbeast through the castle halls with either Ferdinand or one of her retainers walking beside it with an exasperated expression.
This one? Ascendance of a Bookworm - Part 3 Volume 1
Yeah, I’m currently reading those volumes and there’s no depiction of her in the highbeast in the castle. There’s not even a depiction of anyone actually INSIDE her highbeast anywhere. What l2 showed is the closest.
Oh neat! I guess I haven’t gotten to that part yet. I love how she kept the huge tail after Ferdinand told her to make it smaller because it was a waste of mana XD
This one? Ascendance of a Bookworm - Part 3 Volume 1
Not how I remember it but that must be what this imaginary illustration of mine was based on. Thanks for finding it!
Yeah, I’m currently reading those volumes and there’s no depiction of her in the highbeast in the castle. There’s not even a depiction of anyone actually INSIDE her highbeast anywhere. What l2 showed is the closest.
Sports Grun Version

Grunbus Version
Oh neat! I guess I haven’t gotten to that part yet. I love how she kept the huge tail after Ferdinand told her to make it smaller because it was a waste of mana XD