Investing guru Warren Buffett became a billionaire at age 56, a milestone he achieved through patience and a deep understanding of the power of compounding. His success story is a testament to the principle that time, rather than just intelligence or quick gains, is a crucial factor in building substantial wealth. Buffett’s journey to becoming a billionaire is remarkable, considering that he accumulated 99% of his net worth after turning 50. His early life set the foundation for his future achie
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“Buffett’s strategy focused on long-term investments in the stock market. He is known for advocating investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks, like those found in the S&P 500, and holding onto them for extended periods.”
Yeah sorry bub, been doing that for a decade and my portfolio isn’t tripling like yours did in a handful of years. At this rate I’ll go from 20k to 25k in another 10 years not 20k to 1 mil… 85% of that 20k is my input as it is.
“Buffett’s strategy focused on long-term investments in the stock market. He is known for advocating investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks, like those found in the S&P 500, and holding onto them for extended periods.”
Yeah sorry bub, been doing that for a decade and my portfolio isn’t tripling like yours did in a handful of years. At this rate I’ll go from 20k to 25k in another 10 years not 20k to 1 mil… 85% of that 20k is my input as it is.