Why every time I see Israeli sympathy-porn, all I can think, all I can say, is ‘Nayirah wept’. These idiot crackers keep falling for the SAME EXACT PLAY-- all the 24/7 news cycle vultures have to do is get their marching orders from the State Dept, talk about the most deranged fabricated bullshit that Opfor is allegedly doing; and then you can watch as the “innocent until PROVEN guilty” just flies straight out of the settler bastard’s ear canals until they’re a rabid, frothing parody of humanity.
At what point does it stop being general Amerikan ignorance and start being concerted, willful evil?
Why every time I see Israeli sympathy-porn, all I can think, all I can say, is ‘Nayirah wept’. These idiot crackers keep falling for the SAME EXACT PLAY-- all the 24/7 news cycle vultures have to do is get their marching orders from the State Dept, talk about the most deranged fabricated bullshit that Opfor is allegedly doing; and then you can watch as the “innocent until PROVEN guilty” just flies straight out of the settler bastard’s ear canals until they’re a rabid, frothing parody of humanity.
At what point does it stop being general Amerikan ignorance and start being concerted, willful evil?
They don’t fall for it, they choose to believe it to maintain their inflated perception of their own superiority above the Orient.
Israel is innocent until proven guilty, Palestine is guilty until proven innocent.