I’m asking because on one hand, it looks pretty good. I like immersive sims, and I like this one’s aesthetic. But on the other hand, I feel like the plot going to be a bunch of anti-communist propaganda, and I’m not in the mood for that right now.
Tried the demo briefly without knowing much about it. It’s weird and janky. Audio levels are all over the place, perspective feels off, conversation camera clips inside characters or cuts off their heads, object physics don’t work right. Ladder interaction is counterintuitive. Some of this might have been rectified since the demo shipped. Little bit too much inventory management for my liking. Level design is … strange. That might be a demo issue too tho. Seems like the authors feel some kind of way about communism but I didn’t play it long enough to figure that out. Shame, it feels like there’s the bones of a good game here.
I see… It might be wise to wait until it’s out of EA then.
I tried, and it could be pretty interesting. But one thing totally killed it for me:
You’re supposed move/stack things. But it’s so horribly janky, I have tried to move a crate a bit and it flew half throughout the map. Then I tried stacking and…oh boy. I don’t want to fight the game, but the environment 😁
But as noone seems to have this problem it might be local. Try the demo maybe.
Not quite to that extreme but same problem here, amongst others. Although I only played the demo.
Anti-communist propaganda is all the rage everywhere.
If you like the game, but the propaganda is affecting you, sorry.
I know games are an escape but you don’t have to be ideological about everything… playing a game with bad takes won’t make you less communist if you really are communist.
You can take that as a test of your resolve, to make it more fun.