Widespread corruption (and the capture of the mechanisms of the State by Money) is the natural end result of Capitalism.
It’s hilarious the idea that in a Society were one’s Wealth is the greatest metric of one’s worth as an individual, treatment of people is openly and to a huge extent discriminatory based on Wealth and were Greed is hailed as a quality (“Greed is good”), those holding positions with power in the Judiciary and the State - thus having far more power than the common citizens - would be a special kind of people not at all be driven by Greed or possible to buy with Money, and further that it would be impossible for people with a greedy mindset to get into those positions sooner or later.
If Greed is deemed Good, Money is the greatest metric of worth of somebody in Society and people are treated in very different ways depending on their Wealth, then, even in an imaginary World were we magically created a system were the holders of power in the State and Judiciary were all impeccably honest, independent and fair, all those mechanisms of power would sooner or later be corroded by those with the most Money, if only because such positions would attract all kinds of greedy people looking to use such positions for self-enrichment, who would then be possible to buy.
Capitalism and Corruption are the same picture and, IMHO, Fascist is just what Capitalism turn into once it stops growing, because once real growth stops the moneyed classes will use Corruption to (by changing Laws and the application of them) transition from capturing most of the new Wealth from growth into (in the absence of Growth) continue to enrich themselves by pillaging the Wealth of the rest of Society, a state of things which eventually generates a negative reaction from the rest of Society, which is when the Far-Right is literally subsidized by Money to preach ideologies (such as Fascism) that channel that reaction away from the pillaging elites and towards powerless scapegoats such as immigrants, the poor and ostracized minorities.
At this point, it’s not even the state any more, it’s just capitalists.
Yes, the capitalist state. Run by and for capitalists.
It’s not capitalists, it’s fascists. Corruption without virtually any checks is the problem. In short, it’s greed.
Democratic socialism was a really great dream many of us had before our country began deteriorating. It’s still a great vision.
Capitalism ends in fascism every time
That’s what I said, capitalists will become fascists to hold onto their power.
Widespread corruption (and the capture of the mechanisms of the State by Money) is the natural end result of Capitalism.
It’s hilarious the idea that in a Society were one’s Wealth is the greatest metric of one’s worth as an individual, treatment of people is openly and to a huge extent discriminatory based on Wealth and were Greed is hailed as a quality (“Greed is good”), those holding positions with power in the Judiciary and the State - thus having far more power than the common citizens - would be a special kind of people not at all be driven by Greed or possible to buy with Money, and further that it would be impossible for people with a greedy mindset to get into those positions sooner or later.
If Greed is deemed Good, Money is the greatest metric of worth of somebody in Society and people are treated in very different ways depending on their Wealth, then, even in an imaginary World were we magically created a system were the holders of power in the State and Judiciary were all impeccably honest, independent and fair, all those mechanisms of power would sooner or later be corroded by those with the most Money, if only because such positions would attract all kinds of greedy people looking to use such positions for self-enrichment, who would then be possible to buy.
Capitalism and Corruption are the same picture and, IMHO, Fascist is just what Capitalism turn into once it stops growing, because once real growth stops the moneyed classes will use Corruption to (by changing Laws and the application of them) transition from capturing most of the new Wealth from growth into (in the absence of Growth) continue to enrich themselves by pillaging the Wealth of the rest of Society, a state of things which eventually generates a negative reaction from the rest of Society, which is when the Far-Right is literally subsidized by Money to preach ideologies (such as Fascism) that channel that reaction away from the pillaging elites and towards powerless scapegoats such as immigrants, the poor and ostracized minorities.