Post what indie products you are using today

    1 year ago

    10/14, some more Alkemia.

    Mist Becoming Rain (Rainwater, mist drenched hazel wood, meadow grasses, sage blooms, orris root, ozone, grey amber. Deep, dark, cool and mysterious.) This is pretty nice in the vial, but on me the amber is really dominant. It’s a “cool” amber, and there’s a bit of petrichor, too, but none of the other notes are evident when I wear it, unfortunately.

    The First Dandelion (a bright meadow of sunny dandelion flowers, green dandelion leaves, and warm dirt). This has been a really pleasant surprise. In the vial, it’s a little bitter and “weedy”. When first applied, it’s very green and dandelion-y, but it softens fairly soon into something fresh and softly floral, a little sweet and a litlte green. Quite different from what I was expecting, but I like it. Not sure I like it enough to FS, but I’ll see how I feel about it after testing it some more later.