I’ve embarked on a journey to discover more about fertility assistance, tests, procedures etc. and found myself in a sea of rather poor blog posts (all seo optimised of course…) merely scratching the surface and calling to action of speaking with the clinic who published the post in question.

Does anyone have any comprehensive treasure troves of data on these topics to recommend?

Thank you!

  • TenaciousDad@lemmy.world
    4 days ago

    I completely understand. The journey is a long one, in most cases with devastating moments hoping to beat the odds which are almost always stacked against you both. Really what was the first step in this whole thing (beyond the initial “trying” period) was going to the doctor. They were able to diagnose the PCOS in my wife which explained a lot more to her beyond just fertility issues and after that I figured getting checked myself made sense just to see what I was bringing to the table. Beyond that, ultimately it’s a bunch of trial and error, typically you do go through IUI first as it’s not as invasive but then IVF if that didn’t work. The big thing is to not get discouraged. Everyone’s story is different. My wife would “spiral” and read these stories of women who tried for 10+ years and it took 3 IVF attempts before it worked for us (granted we had to use 2 embryos and only one ended up making it all the way) so there is a lot to unpackage there. While I don’t have a reference myself, I’ll ask my wife if she has anything of use and pass it along. I wish fertility wasn’t a thing anyone needed to deal with and wish your family nothing but the best in this situation.