jainism is a religion which negates the existence of god. islam is a religion that negates the existence of any god but their almighty.
if there did exist a god, s/he would not allow a situation where both these religions can co-exist. because any god except allah is excluded by islam, and allah themself is excluded by jainism.
ergo, god does not exist. quad erat demonstrandum.
So you believe in one God I assume… there about 3,000 to choose from. So basically you deny one less God than I do. You don’t believe in 2,999 Gods, and I don’t believe in just one more.
Well it proves that any religion claiming to have the one true God that doesn’t tolerate pretenders is wrong. There could absolutely be an unfathomable force setting stuff up in the universe.
ah. if she does not care about the intricacies of organised religion, can we then conclusively state that all organised religions proselytising the word of god are therefore bullshit?
surely the all-powerful god, glory be in her name, would not allow false organised teligions to exist?!
If a traditional God exists, it’s most likely a trans dimensional being that is vastly beyond our comprehension. It’s silly to assume anything by it’s behavior or lack of such.
But yes, organised religion declaring they talk for or understand such a being are obviously bullshit.
it’s fairly easy to prove that no god exists.
jainism is a religion which negates the existence of god. islam is a religion that negates the existence of any god but their almighty.
if there did exist a god, s/he would not allow a situation where both these religions can co-exist. because any god except allah is excluded by islam, and allah themself is excluded by jainism.
ergo, god does not exist. quad erat demonstrandum.
This reminds me of Ricky Gervais joke:
So you believe in one God I assume… there about 3,000 to choose from. So basically you deny one less God than I do. You don’t believe in 2,999 Gods, and I don’t believe in just one more.
Well it proves that any religion claiming to have the one true God that doesn’t tolerate pretenders is wrong. There could absolutely be an unfathomable force setting stuff up in the universe.
All this proves is that he doesn’t care about the intricacies of organised religion, not that he doesn’t exist.
ah. if she does not care about the intricacies of organised religion, can we then conclusively state that all organised religions proselytising the word of god are therefore bullshit?
surely the all-powerful god, glory be in her name, would not allow false organised teligions to exist?!
If a traditional God exists, it’s most likely a trans dimensional being that is vastly beyond our comprehension. It’s silly to assume anything by it’s behavior or lack of such.
But yes, organised religion declaring they talk for or understand such a being are obviously bullshit.