I took the comic to mean “these male caterpillars see a female-presenting butterfly and wanted to be butterflies so they could look like a curvy butterfly-babe”
Rather than “these male caterpillars want to be male butterflies to butter-bang”
I am unsure why someone down voted, I am just confused how my comment is “innocence”
By the time they catch up to her she will look like a granny
I took this as “they want to look like her” rather than “they want to be butterflies to hook up with her”.
His name is Chuck
Yes, it is.
That’s also not really relevant to my comment.
Your innocence is a breath of fresh air.
I think SARGE got it and isn’t being ignorant about anything.
I am genuinely confused now.
I took the comic to mean “these male caterpillars see a female-presenting butterfly and wanted to be butterflies so they could look like a curvy butterfly-babe”
Rather than “these male caterpillars want to be male butterflies to butter-bang”
I am unsure why someone down voted, I am just confused how my comment is “innocence”
Its ok Sarge. You’re good. We’re all just cracking jokes about a comic about butterflies.