Blobun is an indie puzzle game currently making waves on social media thanks to a joke setting that eliminates its lesbian content. The problem? Blobun protagonist Stephanie is gay, so flipping the so-called “lesbian toggle” in the options menu removes her from the game and renders it totally unplayable.
Bwahaha that’s hilarious, well done team!
“I just wanna play the fuckin game without all this gay lesbian shit!”
[finds toggle]
“Oh sweet, they put a toggle so I can play without weirdass sex preferences shoved down my throat! Thanks, bros!”
[many frustrations later]
devs: 🤭 anime comically evil “huhuhuuuuu!”
This exact thread doesn’t seem to show that level of frustration though, no need to look for gay haters everywhere. I would just consider it a bug if it doesn’t really explain what the option does.
That’s really good lol
Assuming you can toggle it back on hopefully, if you toggle it out of “wtf?” Curiosity
Now I might buy this game lol
Seriously, this is the best advertisement
I bought the game, even if just to support the devs for being amazing trolls
The devs are plural too and put all their headmates in the credits. We like this a lot.
i learned a new term, thanks