If some kind of money based scam was going on, the perpetrator would be a criminal. This way, are they a criminal? Is impersonation with no financial gain or fraud a crime? It’s like revenge porn but there’s no porn. What wrongdoing is being committed under the law?
It seems to depend on location, but from what I could find, impersonation does go against the Computer Misuse Act of 1990 which is an act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Unless the account owner is using a VPN, it’s possible the instance administrators could see where the account owner is based via IP. If it is against the law where the account owner is based, the authorities could contact the account owner’s ISP. Under certain conditions the ISP may tell the authorities exactly which address held that IP at a given time.
If some kind of money based scam was going on, the perpetrator would be a criminal. This way, are they a criminal? Is impersonation with no financial gain or fraud a crime? It’s like revenge porn but there’s no porn. What wrongdoing is being committed under the law?
It seems to depend on location, but from what I could find, impersonation does go against the Computer Misuse Act of 1990 which is an act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. Unless the account owner is using a VPN, it’s possible the instance administrators could see where the account owner is based via IP. If it is against the law where the account owner is based, the authorities could contact the account owner’s ISP. Under certain conditions the ISP may tell the authorities exactly which address held that IP at a given time.