Just leave and be forgotten. Why bring good or bad attention to reddit? Most humans in pre-tech history have been born, then died, then were forgotten.
No one knows I’m there in the first place. 😅
I did start to think I must be shadow banned, or I’m just really dull and nobody cared enough to reply to what I wrote
Got banned for saying “trans women are women” lol
By reddit? There are many LGBTQ+ subreddits, so I find it weird. Or is it a new thing with USA burning?
I don’t know, they said I was “promoting violence”.
I got banned for apparently trying to circumnavigate a ban, despite not being banned, so I found something better
Sir, how dare you circumvent your ban. I silenced you, or someone like you, or just I don’t really know because I’m relying on incomplete data to determine who was banned and who you are. You’re ban stands and if you or anyone like you trys to circumvent it, I’ll have their heads!
I’m staying to be a fediverse evangelist. Someone’s got to upvote all of Blaze’s posts.
PSA: delete your account!
being banned is funny and stuff, but reddit can, has and will unban accounts to inflate their user count for their investors.
delete every account, post and comment if you can.
Ooooh so that’s why I no longer get banned for ban evasion
Forgot about this. Can’t they restore accounts too?
i dont know, i dont think so (without a user asking them to?). i think it would be less trouble for them to just create new accounts on their own. same result, but nobody can claim that their deleted account was restored. i think restoring deleted accounts could lead to legal trouble?
Don’t care either way. I came because it really seemed like reddit was becoming a terrible place. The arbitrary banning and increasing warnings on restricting content made it time to go. I’m just grateful that lemmy is an alternative that (so far) seems to capture the spirit of original reddit, without all the increasing b.s.
I just hope that I become as comfortable with lemmy as I did with the reddit app. I hated switching from Comet to the reddit app. But, I got used to the reddit app, so I’m sure I will with lemmy. It’s nice to have 75% of reddit, but a nice 3rd party app to use again. I’m new and learning!
I got banned for daring to report violent content. Apparently reporting death threats is ‘targeted harassment’ of the moderators now
If I wanted to be noticed, I’d go outside. The reason I liked reddit, more than any other social media, was because my identity was practically irrelevant. Only my posts mattered.
My old account is still there, what’s a good way to get it banned in protest?
dont get banned, just delete your account. reddit is notorious in unbanning people to inflate their user count to investors.
I’m still on both. Here for all of the political stuff and and anti-Reddit post and on Reddit I’m still in the subreddits that aren’t on here yet. Mainly a lot of crafting related stuff. And whenever someone complains about censorship on Reddit I respond with Lemmy as a suggestion. If I get banned I get banned. We’ll see.
I think someone runs a crosspost bot that can copy a subreddit to here. I don’t recall who though. Might be a good solution to the missing technical/niche subreddits on lemmy.