im gonna kinda blabber here.

you ever just want to do something for your interest just to change the next day also what is that called? i have autism, dyslexia, depression and im constantly bored for some reason. i find that im hard to entertain or to find something to do plus i struggle with learning. i really want to create something that i can share with others, maybe a short story? honestly im not sure. i feel like i need a creative hobby and things like sewing or anything to do with fabric dont interest me because i believe i may be a nerd. ive been wanting to do something from a my pc possibly but at this point im not sure anymore. i like dnd but i dont have friends to play with and i dont trust online activities.

    1 year ago

    If you want something to tinker with on PC, you could try creating your own website from scratch. ( could be a good place to start) It can be a nice gateway to learning all kinds of things, from image editing to running a server, depending on what you want on the website and how you decide to run it. You could combine the website tinkering with short stories if you wish to write them. Or photography. Poetry. Anything, really. Whatever you put on the site is also very easy to share with others of course.

    I know it kind of goes against trouble with learning and not trusting online activities, but I thought it was worth mentioning anyways. I’ve accidentally spent several summers on it without really even realizing. My interest keeps jumping from one thing to another as I get new ideas for things I want to do with the site.