Your account seems new, sorry you had to deal with this but this is what happens on the tankie instance that is .ml
Join the .ml boycott today! No posts, comments or upvotes on any .ml comms!
I just don’t understand why a marxist would cape for russia at any point in any form. Russia is MORE capitalist than even america, at least until this past January. Might as well defend pinochet since he also was a unitary executive.
Socialism is when no bread mfs look at russia like “that’s pretty socialist!”
The types of tankies you find on .ml are not so much Marxist as they are anti-USA (they’ll call it anti-imperialist, nevermind the imperialism they’re supporting)
That means they’ll support everyone that’s anti-USA. They’ll cheer for al-Qaeda as long as they’re shouting “Death to America”. And that’s only slight hyperbole
I don’t even think it’s slight hyperbole. They literally would in the literal sense of “literally”.
I have literally seen people that say that Assad was actually good.
In the campist brain, Russia is geopolitically opposed to the USA empire, and therefore since USA is the greatest evil, we need to “critically support” their opponents.
Is pro-China sentiment just campist?
I have a sneaking suspicion they think the CCP are actually socialist/communist. And not some sort of authoritarian capitalism. Or “red” capitalism.
Two faces of the same medal. People are brainwashed in taking sides. If you are not right-winged you are left-winged. They realize their government is shit and jump into the one of their enemies. Instead of study and think they conform to a model and feed on its circlejerk rejecting opposite views.
Not everyone on .ml is foolish but their modlog can get really stupid
No one does that. However educated people are capable of nuance and holding two things true at the same time , I think Russia is a horrible capitalistic hellhole and Putin a neocon right-winger . I still hope the fascist bunch of western supported nazis attempting to genocide eastern Ukrainians gets what they have coming. People with marxist background doesn’t like you liberals does root for one of the different oligarchy camps.
Had me the first half not gonna lie, but, remind me who exactly is actively invading East Ukraine?
Ask the eastern ukraines why they flee east . The 15k massacred by ukrainian before russia put a stop to it i suppose is not worth mentioning?
You want to source that claim? Last time I checked the only source is Russia which I have plenty of reasons not to trust.
You and all the upvoting deniers of genocidal murders , many documented in western mainstream media should take a deep look at yourself and check the level of propaganda you are consuming. You are nazi apologets and you should shut the hell up about any discussion on propaganda. Go use Google I’m not your assistant.
That’s a “no” on the source then?
If you would bother to read you’d notice that I’ve already “used Google” and I didn’t find anything where the original source wasn’t Russia. Also, you made the claim so it’s your responsibility to provide proof. It’s not my job to find proof of your asinine claims. Either provide proof or STFU Putins sausage lover.
Fuck of nazi cunt
Typical. If you were right you could easy prove me wrong in max 15 minutes by finding a source that isn’t from Russia. Instead you resort to calling me a nazi cunt. So far all you’ve done is show everyone you’re spreading bullshit.
Lmao. Typical end to a conversation with a tankie.
Aww, poor tankie, someday you might break free of the propaganda Russia is feeding you