I worked hard at imitating the Leonard Nimoy Spock’s raised eyebrow for quite a while. I don’t regret the time spent practicing that in front of a mirror. I never mastered a fully raised eyebrow, but I can do a slight eyebrow raise.
Whenever someone is being greedy or acting a fool, I say, “hoo-man,” in a bad Ferengi accent.
Jean-Luc Picard’s “make it so” is a go to phrase for me.
My first sip of coffee for the day is always my Janeway moment.
When someone says something far fetched, I say “really.” I think I’m channeling Benjamin Sisko. No one else sees it that way.
I say “p’takh” a bit too often. Not to anyone who understands Klingon. Not yet, anyway.
Any Star Trek mannerism or phrase you’ve incorporated into your life?
Everybody remember where we parked
Every time I hear that phrase I think of whale songs.
I must confess that I don’t get the reference. Where was this from?
It’s from the film Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986).
@Nmyownworld Whenever I have solved some weird tech issue, my first instinct is to throw my hands up and shout “Qapla’!”
(It’s the pose from the end of Goldeneye, so I am clearly aware of how quickly my fortune can turn.)
I work for an MSP and I often multiply my time estimates by a factor of four… Does that count?
Ah, yeah, web dev here. We call it, “Scotty Time.”
When we’re gaming together but he gets distracted by his phone, I’ll call my husband back to the game with, “Play dom-jot, hew-mon!” but I never stab him if he’s cheating.
I never stab him if he’s cheating.
So you’re not fully committed, ok.
Whenever I wake up my computer I saw a little “Hello Computer”.
“I do not know” is the most elementary and valuable statement in science, the beginning of wisdom.
I admire this statement and it heavily influences my thinking.
Quick, boys - blast “Anything Goes” into it!
Exploitation begins at home
Once you have their money, you never give it back.
The price for peace is at an all time low