Mozilla could remain funded if they stopped doing things like paying the CEO seven million dollars per year while laying off employees. If Mozilla dies, it will 100% be because of corporate greed.
Mozilla could probably survive with no additional funding, but they’d have to make some steep cuts. They have many millions in investments, enough to fund something like $20M indefinitely. That’s a lot lower than their current budget, but probably reasonable if they only needed to develop Firefox.
If Google funding is pulled entirely, they’ll likely find a search deal (e.g. Bing, DDG, etc), but it’ll be a lot less in royalties. However, if you look at their financials, they’re already putting a lot of the Google money away into investments, so they can certainly survive some cuts, provided they can something in the ballpark of what Google was offering.
Also why if this goes through Mozilla and Firefox will both be killed instantly. They’re almost entirely funded by Google.
Mozilla could remain funded if they stopped doing things like paying the CEO seven million dollars per year while laying off employees. If Mozilla dies, it will 100% be because of corporate greed.
Mozilla could probably survive with no additional funding, but they’d have to make some steep cuts. They have many millions in investments, enough to fund something like $20M indefinitely. That’s a lot lower than their current budget, but probably reasonable if they only needed to develop Firefox.
If Google funding is pulled entirely, they’ll likely find a search deal (e.g. Bing, DDG, etc), but it’ll be a lot less in royalties. However, if you look at their financials, they’re already putting a lot of the Google money away into investments, so they can certainly survive some cuts, provided they can something in the ballpark of what Google was offering.