it’s the contrast between shiny new and slightly run down that does it for me
Nice picture. Could be used as a wallpaper
Fun fact: The yellow panel is made by BUSE Blansko, a Czech transit information systems manufacturer, using their patented DOT-LED technology: back when LEDs were inefficient and it was impractical to fight sunlight with them, they were incredible by complementing the upsides of both technologies. Their flipdots were more reliable than most, and the LEDs could be turned off in the sunlight entirely.
The software used to program these panels, along with Riga’s database, can be found on GitHub and it runs under Wine!
Where in Latvia is this?
(I’m assuming this is Latvia)
This seems to be the final destination of that tram:Ķempes_iela_(Rīga)
“Iela” means “street” in Latvian, so yeah.
Speaking of, my favorite street in Riga is Lielā iela. If for nothing else, then just for how that name sounds. But also “lielā” (feminine of “liels”) means “big”, but Lielā iela (“Big Street”) is tiny, just one car wide (for the most part) and is barely even visible on the map.
Straßenbahnen blend in nicely with much green around.
The colour scheme reminds of a clown, but still looks pretty good nonetheless.
Beautiful picture all around.
I think this is a great slice-of-life picture. I honestly thought it was a painting, at first.