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It’s gif, not gif!
It’s not Data, the correct pronunciation is Data.
Gif as in gift. Anything else is nonsense!
The girl’s gig to give the gift of gifs
Giraffes? Giraffes!
Gilded gibbons
Ever seen a geriatric geologist named George at the gym? How about a giant ginger giraffe drunk on gin. What about a genderless genealogist cutting generic gems?
Sure, but JIF is a different file format, so pronouncing it as “jif” just creates overlap.
Also every single one of those G’s should be replaced with the letter J; English needs spelling reform.
Also also, GIF stands for Graphical Interchange Format, and that’s definitely a G sound.
By the way, the format can’t die soon enough. PNG and video formats are more compact and better quality too. Time to bury this zombie.
Combinations of letters before and after change the pronunciation of certain parts of a word. None of your words have “gif” pronounced a “jif”. If you have one, tell me. I’m seriously curious if there is a word. As of now the only reference I have is “gift” with a hard g.
That’s a retarded argument.
No u
The one on the left is pronounced GIF and the one on the right is pronounced GIF.
Actually, I’m pretty sure you have them flipped
You’re both wrong, the G is silent.
I like it
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You sure it’s not a ‘Yi’ sound?
One is my name, the other is not.
Graphics Interchange Format. Hard G.
I use a hard G but this is a bad argument. I’ll just link to this great list of counterexamples:
How do you pronounce JPEG?
JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group. So by the other user’s logic, you shouldn’t be using the hard /p/ sound.
Ah, Jafeg, like Jafar’s less charismatic cousin.
Do you pronounce origin like the state?
Do you you also say “nay-say” when reading NASA, lol, that logic is flawed.
I’d like to remind everyone that the rules for words amd pronunciation were documented AFTER most words, which is why it’s so inconsistent and arbitrary
The acronym for NASA uses the same sounds as the words that make the acronym. Same as GIF so I’m not sure what your point is. Mine is that GIF stands for graphics interchange format and graphics starts with a hard g therefore GIF should start with a hard g.
They are phonetically different sounds altogether, so your argument is flawed.
Edit: Im fucking dumb, it’s administration, not agency. Even so, my point still stands, NASA is phonetically different than the sound in aeronautics.
It’s the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.
Oof, I fucked that one up
Well Aeronautics is a hard A, so you got that going for you least :)
Should be naysah.
SCUBA, unless you pronounce underwater as oonderwater.
Also JIF is a separate file format, so GIF should not be pronounced the same.
Always pronounce it “GIF.”
Never “JIF.”
Only Lore does that.
Uhm achtckyally it’s GIF
Way to start another flame war Xusontha! Or is it Zusontha?
I’ll never tell
…It’s secretly a Greek letter chi, isn’t it?
Data definitely says the hard g. His interests are in being more human. Not pedantically arguing about the way the creator says things in an attempt to upend the majority. The latter is definitely Lore’s jam, though
Be more like Data.
Welcome to
It’s Jrrrreat!
What the hell is a gigawatt?
Pronounced “jijawatt”:
It all depends if you pronounce it
Graphics interchange format
Jraphics interchange formatdeleted by creator
Choosy moms choose Gif.
Choosy websites choose gif.
(And if anyone gets that reference I’ll be thrilled.)
It really hits every spot on the spectrum from minion to stripper dances lol