• IninewCrow@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Aka … Opioids

    When the Opioid crisis was just starting to become mainstream about ten years ago (I know it’s been going on for longer than that) … I had a couple of friends in their 20s die of overdoses from medications prescribed by doctors and many friends got addicted to this shit from doctor prescriptions … I had to warn a few friends not to follow through with their doctors advice … I had one friend with minor back pain prescribed powerful opioids … another with a toothache … and another with recovery from a broken bone. I know I’m no doctor but these were healthy people with minor aches and pains that were manageable, not debilitating pain they had to survive. Doctors back then were just handing them out like aspirins because everyone said they weren’t addictive.

    One terrible story is of an old friend in his 60s who had cancer treatment … they successfully treated his cancer but they hooked him on opioids that drove him insane and his family had to deal with the fallout of his addiction for years after having dealt with cancer.