• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • There are tons of defendants across Amerikkka in similar situations and the fact that the ACLU is constantly defending scumbags in the name of protecting all of our rights is the most asinine liberal bullshit I can think of. How many poor black people are there sitting in rikers on some stop-and-frisk bullshit, while the ACLU is prioritizing the rights of Neo-Nazis? There are plenty of other ways to address warranties searches and ironically this dipshit would probably benefit from any precedent that addresses this issue, but at the very least… and this is an example of the bar being in hell and them trying to lower… but at the least, don’t provide free legal defense council for society’s best arguments against civilization. But if none of that resonates, just don’t defend people that spend a not insignificant amount of time and respurces to attack the existence of things like the ACLU before and after you defend them. Because when they get off, maybe their next attack will annihilate the right to free council for everybody else in the country. Or as Aus Rotten put it; don’t give them freedom because they’re not going to give you yours. Fuck Nazi Sympathy. Of any kind.

  • Its also funny how you chose to infer how I feel about your choice to eat meat, which I actually never addressed. That’s just how YOU feel about what I said. What’s funny is that you are the one appealing to emotion, with your strawman argument about religion. In reality, this article makes conclusions based on a body of peer reviewed science. You claim you don’t like their slant and expect everybody to come along with you, when frankly nobody asked your opinion and in reality that is closer to what religions do in demanding atheists disprove god. This article actually demonstrates proof of facts with cited science. You claim those studies must all be wrong because they don’t prove your argument without so much as offering an alternative demonstrated by anything we can verify. So you’re essentially appealing to the idea of meat eating as an infallible diety for which you will accept no proof that contradicts its divinity. Again, its 100% emotion. Its just hilarious at this point. I’m having fun. You?

  • I love star trek, so I love that instance, but Lemmy.world feels like its replicating the toxic discussion style from reddit. I’m not here because I loved reddit but hate what they did to it. I have hated reddit for years, I am here for a completely different thing from reddit. The slrpnk instance and the Lemmy.ml are the main instances I want to interact with. If there are other anarchist instances in the future, I’d like to interact with those, but ideally keep the toxic bullshit to a minimum.

  • The problem with you techbros is you can’t imagine anything at smaller scales. But what you just said… Jabber is here for 25 years. That means it is good enough for tons of people. Not everybody needs a shiney new toy and if free software doesn’t scale, then who cares. It can and will still work for those of us willing to share the burden and for those that can’t, each one of me can accommodate at least a few such users and those that just won’t… Fuck em. We don’t have to capture every use case to be of value. I use jabber. I have plans to self host it. It works and has done so for 25 years. Furthermore AIM captured everything a chat needs to do, why do we keep reinventing this wheel when there are much more interesting problems that need to be solved.

  • I’d say that the wood lovers are the most dangerous for 2 reasons. There is a phenomenon called wood lovers paralysis that occurs with large doses of those species that are found growing on wood. It appears to be most associated with Psilocybe Azurescens, but has been reports with Psilocybe Cyanescens and Psilocybe Ovoideocystidiata as well. There are also extremely poisonous look alikes. Gallerina Marginata and other members of the Gallerina genus can be pretty hard to distinguish from many members of the Psilocybe genus. Most psilocybin containing mushrooms will stain blue when bruised even slightly. This blueing should be significant and does not occur with Gallerina mushrooms, however, you do need yo positively ID each individual mushroom as they share the same habitat and distribution and flush at the same time. I have personally observed them fruiting in the middle of a patch of Psilocybe Ovoideocystidiata. The potential for mistakes is a lot higher than people realize. Essentially all poisonings associated with psychedelic mushrooms have been a case of misidentification. Among those that I know of being commonly used recreationally there are none that are thought of as poisonous on their own. However, the habitats in which they occur can really lend themselves to contamination. Especially with Psilocybe Ovoideocystidiata. They grow in some pretty disgusting environments, filled with goose poop and standing muck. Furthermore, they also share environments with copperheads, which I have personally encountered and almost stepped on. So these are mushrooms not without their own perils. All of which should be taken in as necessary parts of an environment that are working together and should demand respect.

  • Who consumes which species of psilocybe is really geographically different. On the East coast of the US, the most prevalent species seems to be Psilocybe Ovoideocystidiata and there is not a historical record of humans consuming it until recently. I think a more thorough understanding of it might reveal that it has only been naturalized in the area due to human activity, because it is most prevalent in wood chips along streams that are prone to flooding, often because of damming. Psilocybe Cyanescens is also naturalizing in similar places on the East coast. Psilocybe Cyanescens and Psilocybe Azurescens are species that are naturally associated with coastal parts of the Pacific Northwest in conjunction with sea grasses that have high lignen content. There is also very limited information about historical use of these mushrooms. Psilocybe Cubensis and Psilocybe Semilanceata are both associated with cow dung and Psilocybe Cubensis has a well documented history of use through many indigenous cultures throughout the southern US and into Mexico. Mexican cultures are probably those with the best historical documentation of ceremonial use. Aside from that, the recreational use throughout the United States has often been romanticized through cultural appropriation of purported ceremonial use. Ultimately it comes down to people often enjoy getting high and these mushrooms are often prolific. I’ve personally seen flushes in the tens of thousands, particularly when it comes to Psilocybe Ovoideocystideata in the Northeast US after a few good La Niña years. Psilocybe Cyanescens can be equally prolific, but people are pretty Keen on those, so well documented spots get literally torn up by wooks pretty quickly these days. The good news is that some species of Psilocybe grows just about anywhere you can imagine.