Dizzy Devil Ducky

I am Zach, AKA AceFuzzLord, AKA Dizzy Devil Ducky!

  • 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • Desktop:

    Windows. Got the thing a few years ago and didn’t bother installing Linux since I was still new to it and didn’t have the drive to learn enough about Linux to go through with it. Haven’t done it now because I’m probably upgrading in less than a year and no point since I can just use it for experimenting with server stuff.


    My last couple laptops have ended up with Linux on it. On my absolutely shitty pawnshop laptop I broke something in windows, making it so I couldn’t do a lot of admin things since there was technically no admit account. Didn’t feel like paying for a fresh installation on the shitty thing, so I instead switched it to Ubuntu, which I had in a thumb drive because I was trying to follow a guide telling me how to fix my windows issue, which didn’t work at all.

    My current store bought laptop runs a Debian fork that I wanted to try, MX. I quickly ran through the win11 setup process before removing that bloatware OS off it. Now I have things set up in a way that works just right for me, despite not being able to figure out why the headphone jack has a problem where it’ll only play very staticy, very low volume sound at max volume depending on how loud the original audio is. I’ve given up on that, though, because I’m not smart enough to figure it out and have already switched to a wireless bluetooth set that works.

  • The biggest problem with any of this garbage ideas is procuring land for your country. No sane country/government is willing to just let you buy land and turn it into a country. You’ll buy the land, proclaim it as a new country, then after some government agency gets fed up with you for whatever reason you’re “country” is dead meat. Final step may vary on how long that takes and how it’s handled, but I seriously doubt any country would be dumb enough to let their own citizens form smaller countries within their country without resistance.

    Even if it comes down to war over said territory, it would probably take a week maximum to end the dream of a new tiny country being formed inside a larger country, depending on things like country size, military size, etcetera. Only way to secure your land/country would be to pull a Sealand or build an artificial island/platform or something of the sort. Take the Sealand route and you’ll be nothing more than a joke that hardly anyone takes seriously. Build an island/platform and you run into issues depending on where you build it because for some reason countries get pretty pissy when you build artificial islands in their waters without permission or build too close to them.

  • Couldn’t tell you what the oldest building in my city is, but I assume it’s either an old house in what I assume is the historic district. That, or the clocktower in the downtown park that was once part of a transcontinental railway station.

    On a couple side notes, I know I did a class field trip in elementary school to one of the old buildings (don’t remember much about it besides a service elevator that if I recall was just held by rope and wasn’t electric), which compared to other places in America is nothing considering I found out my city was founded around 1881. Can’t say I approve of the part where they fought the natives for the land, but history is full of horrid things so there’s no use dwelling on something you can’t change.

  • I don’t believe it’s cursed at all, but my parents and older brother believe some small Japanese statue doll thing of a geisha (supposed to be holding a shamisen, but it’s missing) that they ended up giving to me to store in my room is cursed. Since I don’t think it’s cursed, I have no issue holding onto it.

    Showed up one day on the dinner table one day and I’m fairly certain my brother got it and was either too drunk or high on weed (or a combo of both) to remember picking it up while he was out. I don’t believe him when he says he doesn’t know where it came from.