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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Nope. Everyone’s entitled to theirs opinions, but I downvoted them for being wrong (and because I thought their comment was kind of dumb).

    It’s no pinnacle of storytelling, but it reads exactly like a parent telling a casual mini-story about their kid to strangers on the internet. It’s a recounting of someone else’s words, but being a creep is a totally reasonable conclusion for a ten year old to reach and it’s also not all that uncommon for parents to praise and reward children for being able to think for themselves or at the very least form a “good” opinion. Ergo, OP’s comment does not read like they’re trying to pass off a tall tale or spin out bullshit.

    Now if the kid had allegedly said something like “the guy’s emblematic of everything wrong with celebrity culture and philanthropy as entertainment is a scourge on society”, we’d be having different conversation.

  • Absolutely correct! I was mostly trying word it so that it was less “annoying rule follower pontificates the virtues of morality” and more “it doesn’t matter how you justify it, or what you think you’re doing, the university will see it as cheating and will act accordingly”, plus people tend to be more receptive to advice when they don’t feel like they’re being attacked.

    On the anecdotal side, my college job was doing desk-side IT support for one of the deans offices at my University. One of our roles was recording Academic Integrity Policy Hearings (basically a so you got caught meeting, where everyone has a chance to tell their side of the story to a panel of faculty members and they’ll decide the punishment, usually ranging from zeroing out the assignment to expulsion) as a CYA for the university in the event someone decided to break out the lawyers. I saw so, so, many students hauled into over Cheg related offenses.

    Hell, one of my best friends got burned because another student helped them with some Themo homework and was using Chegg (unbeknownst to my friend).

  • Linking the patents listed, because I’m struggling to understand what technologies are spelled out in them (I’m taking my best guesses here, so feel free to correct me if I’m misreading something, because I probably am):

    • 9421713- purge towers apparently
    • 9592660- heated beds/ removable build plates
    • 7555357- something to do slicing workflow/ path generation
    • 9168698 / 10556381- detecting that force has been applied to the extruder

    Given how broad these are, this case could have some less than pleasant ripple effects on the rest of the 3d printing community, like opening the doors to drag ultimaker/ prusa into court over random commonplace stuff.

    The specific patent links seem to be broken. All return 403. Here are functional alternatives.

  • Uhhhh, Cheg can be… problematic in academic circles, many universities view it as cheating and will enact harsh penalties (in line with their academic integrity policies) if you get caught using it.

    I know this reads like a “don’t get caught” statement, but I’d advise that you’d be much better off getting homework help at your university’s tutoring center(s) or professor/ TA’s office hours.