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Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022


  • Meanwhile, you can easily find videos of Palestinians mourning their dead among the rubble of their open-air prison. And not just now, but for the past few years.

    Trigger Warning: Actual war crime against children description

    Yesterday I started my morning watching a crowd of screaming Gaza residents pull a limp baby covered in ash and dust from a pile of rubble.

    How the West can ignore these atrocities in plain sight while giving credence to ridiculous claims without a shred of proof is… I have no more words.

  • Read a few interviews from their perspective too. They were all warned that militants broke out of Gaza a few miles away. The audacity to party right next to an open-air concentration camp is one thing. But they also knew there were violent disturbances.

    Can’t find the exact article at the moment, so feel free to help me out, but one survivor was quoted saying “This stuff happens there all the time.”

    Tinfoil time, but part of me almost suspects that the threat of an attack on the festival could have been underplayed by the IDF, just so they could have propaganda fodder.

  • The zionists funneled the residents of Gaza at the Egyptian border, telling them that’s where they were allowed to escape.

    Then they bombed it.

    The world is literally watching a holocaust happen. Not just reading about it like in the 40s. But watching it. And liberals are either ignoring it or standing with the ones perpetrating it.

    Not a single person who stands with Israel should be allowed to forget what they supported.

  • I’ve seen comments about there being no hope for the Western left because of the liberal shittakes on social media.

    But PSL and the Stop Cop City movement leaders have fully made it known that they are in complete solidarity with Palestine. Anarchists are as well.

    The seeds are here. Don’t be hasty to judge the communist movement in the US by shitty liberals and social democrats bandwagoning online.