There was a foreign exchange girl from France. She was brutal. She said whatever was on her mind. She wouldn’t even blink as she said in broken English that you werent worth the air you are breathing.
So yeah, this story checks out.
God I wanted her to step on me.
Wait what?
Every single company.
All it takes is your favorite company to suddenly be run by a CEO who wants to maximize profits or increase shareholder value, or worse, think they’re God’s Gift to the World. Or in the flip side, they’re fighting for survival so they have to make scummy decisions to keep afloat.
Peaceful protest only works if the opposition has empathy.
What actually works 100% of the time? Violence.
Yeah the people I know who own boats have it in their garage/near their house/storage unit.
I mean it’s only 3 people.
And I just named all 3 locations.
I don’t know that many boat people.
I remember a craiglist post (from like 2000s) that was for a small boat. It was like $600 a month on a payment plan, or $30000 total.
I was in college looking for a place to rent, just a bed. And I really thought about living on a small boat.
Last year, my CEO said if we finish the project on time, he’ll buy a new truck and bring it around the office for everyone to check it out.
This would be his 20th truck he bought.
I’m so glad that youre now aware of this! Now, go out in the world and yell at any website without adequate alt text!
I grew up in a protest to save my neighborhood from being demolished for a highway.
What the news reported was the protests in front of city hall to finally convince them to move the highway.
What you didn’t see was the incredible legwork getting dozens of local businesses to support us. Getting bake sales in schools to fund billboards. Doing social disobedience by blocking traffic and having people arrested. Disrupting city hall over and over and over. This was my life for months.
And it finally worked.
100% chance too!
Though the company that provided security for the event has been identified, town hall organizers and Kootenai County Sheriff Bob Norris have claimed no knowledge of the security personnel or who hired them.
Coeur d’Alene Police Chief Lee White confirmed Sunday that the men who dragged Teresa Borrenpohl from the meeting worked for the private security firm LEAR Asset Management.
Reached by phone on Saturday and Sunday, the firm’s owner, Hayden resident Paul Trouette, declined to comment.
Ask LEAR Asset Management why they had plain clothes employees infringing on the first amendment.
Coeur d’Alene city code requires security agents to wear uniforms “clearly marked” with the word “security” in letters no less than 1 inch tall on the front and no less than four inches tall on the back. The security personnel at Saturday’s town hall were in plainclothes, with no visible sign they were security.
Lear Asset Management, Inc.
Private Security Solutions
Idaho continues to be a third world country.
Luniticus 1396 votes • 7h Like almost every post like that here, this can be solved by talking. Except this time it’s talking to the police.
This comment is my favorite.
That’s hilarious.
Make knock off products.
Make knock off stamps to ship the products.
Do they rip the worst farts or am I just telling on myself that pizza rolls give me room-clearing war crimes-level gas bombs?
When they’re actual racists, nothing happens. There were literally Neo-Nazis on school ground a few days ago in Ohio.
I work with a “high powered CEO”. These parasites treat golfing, going to dinner, flying on private jets as “working”.
That’s what my dog does.
He tears into the couch in one side of the house to get you annoyed, then runs to eat cat litter, then runs upstairs to take the kid’s toys.
Do enough chaos to get something and tire us out.
The comments here are smug as fuck.
Not just platforms them, but also outright approves or does little to challenge it/call them out.
Stop spreading misinformation.
You need warm pigeon blood, followed by a strict diet of roasted onions and three hail Marys.