• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 4th, 2023


  • The problem is that you can be angry all day and it won’t accomplish anything without coordinated, planned, collective action. And collective action is made more difficult with angry people.

    Anger motivates you to act Right Now, which is why it’s good for reactionaries. They want you either impotently angry so you can’t think clearly to make those long term, organized plans; or they want you mad enough to go do a little stochastic terrorism.

    Progressives have a lot of trouble hitting the slow-burn simmer of anger in a way that’s motivational and doesn’t slip into despair when you get tired from all that rage that you can’t turn into immediate results.

  • It’s so good! The purist expression of factory building: no costs, no distractions, just automation.

    It has a great concept too in the space layer. The game is played initially on a grid like any factory game. But then you can zoom out to a higher layer where you can place chunks to define the build able area and build “space belts” which essentially codifiy the main-bus style of building. (You also get space trains, which are like trains in other games.)

    I “beat” the basic campaign and hopped back over to Satisfactory since 1.0 came out, but I’ll go back to shapez when I finish there. I hope they add more complex and tricky buildings and requirements, the challenge of assembling an efficient build in shapez is just so interesting and fun.

  • Wow, hadn’t thought about that one in a long time. I thought it was an old Scott Hanselman blog and I was correct! I’ll have to reread it, been years now.

    I’m not sure there’s much why to it exactly. I feel like a small fraction of people I’ve met in life were truly passionate and excited about the work they did. Most had some passion for an art, or a hobby, or for their kids very commonly, but people who really want to grow and master their craft are somewhat rare generally. Most folks just want to do well enough to keep their jobs and then go home to whatever they actually care about.

  • Codex@lemmy.worldtoFuck Cars@lemmy.world[meme] THE CHIMERA
    9 days ago

    Ok but it does seem like people drive way worse now than just a few years ago. I have theories though.

    Theory 1: Existential dread. People are so beat down by climate, endless war, failing economy, and more that they’ve gone completely insane.

    Theory 2: Long covid brain.