wiki-user: unruffled

  • When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called “the People’s Stick.”
  • If you took the most ardent revolutionary, vested him in absolute power, within a year he would be worse than the Tsar himself.

- Mikhail Bakunin

  • 144 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • That’s a pretty good summation, imo. Democrats really don’t want to hear anything about the ethics of sending US arms to Israel while it conducts a genocide right now. Their mentality is something like, “let’s get Kamala elected, and don’t point to any negatives until afterwards”. But the fact is, once Harris is elected (if she wins), she will have very little incentive to change her policy on this issue. This small pre-election window is really the only opportunity available for leftists to campaign for her to change her stance. The activists still “harping on” about this issue recognize that and are doing their best to put pressure on her campaign. Arguably, they are running an ethically principled campaign, assuming their motives are good (i.e., stop the genocide). I get the whole “lesser of two evils” concept and have some sympathy for it, but I also understand why this single important issue is a complete dealbreaker for many leftists.

    Having said all that, your disclaimer note about Linkerbaan’s checks out. They are problematic because they do repeat a lot of Russian disinfo talking points, and in classic tankie fashion don’t seem to have any issues with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine while at the same time condemning US support of Israel’s genocide. Personally, I feel that a principled person should be against genocide and war crimes no matter who is conducting them, otherwise they are just a partisan propagandist. But it seems most MLs on lemmy just can’t bring themselves to level any sort of criticism against Russia, China, North Korea or Iran (to name a few), even when it is entirely justified, because of their “critical support” groupthink towards any anti-US/anti-Western state.

    If any poster seems to be totally ignoring or justifying genocide and war crimes committed by AES countries, but campaigning relentlessly against “US funded genocide” then personally I think it’s justified to ban them as they are clearly engaging in partisan propaganda. While it’s hard to know 100% for sure what linkerbaan’s true motivations are, I’d agree there are a number of red flags in their post history.