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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • I live in one of those sparsely populated states, I have to drive 5 hours one way to see a neurologist. Because the one that is two hours away only sees a small number of veterans due to the way the VA pays them.

    Thank you for the offer of help, I now have 100% disability with the VA and I’m also on ssdi. Good luck helping your veteran, and please appeal when the VA gives them a rating. They like to lowball us, I was given 70% after my first c&p.

  • I asked to be sterilized in my twenties. I have never wanted children, and never was even asked to baby sit when I was a teen because of how awkward I was around babies and small children. I was denied because apparently decades in my own head wasn’t enough, I needed to be married first. (wtf I can’t even tolerate sex how am I going to get married lol)

    In my thirties I tried again, but this time asked to have all of my reproductive organs removed because they cause me so much pain. I got denied because I came out as trans before that 🙃 The (American) VA can’t do any surgeries if there’s even a tiny hint that it might be gender affirming for trans and enby folks.

  • It would help if you had some pictures of the leaves before they fell to rule other things out, but it looks like a blight to me. That spreads by spores entering injured plant tissue. That’s why you see the plant producing resin, it’s trying to block off the sites where leaves fell so the disease doesn’t spread to other areas.

    It could definitely be injury from water stress, but could also be temperature stress if you have large fluctuations in anbient temp throughout the day. I kind of wonder if watering by placing the pot in a tub would be more beneficial? Plants will sometimes take up more water that way, but with the mix you have it won’t be staying in the substrate long enough to cause rot