Oh I suppose then it should be given back to the native British then.
Oh I suppose then it should be given back to the native British then.
I honestly don’t think it’s going to happen unless a government with real teeth and a strong voter base to keep them in power arises. Right now Labor is doing everything it can to keep it’s centrist voters.
I have a K6 and it fits fine in a backpack. A bit heavy. I don’t generally travel with it but if I did I’d probably choose one of the many low profile 65% instead.
Build quality, like others have probably said, you can’t go wrong with Keychron, and they have mac keys. If you just want to get the one kb for your use case and not interact with the hobby beyond that, they’re who I’d chose from.
This seems almost unfairly cheap for something handpainted.
Once you’ve come up with a name like that it almost feels irresponsible not to start drilling holes in tires. You’ve found your calling.
Something something Repuplicans?
I got stuck on undead harambe and always told myself I’d come back. That was a couple of years ago now and I think at this point I’d have to start from the beginning.
The problem with neoprene is that it’ll absorb dust, skin cells etc and you’ll see a color change really fast. you want to wash a mouse pad every now and then and if its glued into your desk you wont be able to do that. Water will seep through into the wood below if you try and give it any kind of decent wash too.