I guess the username explains the response totally.
I guess the username explains the response totally.
Yeah, I know. It is a source code file…
Doesn’t look like the executable you are trying to run is with executable rights.
chmod +x ch34x.c
And retry.
(I don’t have any knowledge of this driver or installing it. Just wanted to give some directions.)
Felon-title is trumping (no pun indented, maybe a little) the President-title.
What can we (the rest of the world) expect? The worst, as we all have a stake here, unfortunately.
Type F plugs also works with the type E sockets. Superior.
Glad you asked. To be clear: I agree with your original comment.
I had this great, long, message drafted in my mind while in sauna, but I discarded (forgot) that one when I got back to the computer.
Let me elaborate my first reply. We have in the OP image the following actors: Musk and the challenger.
I think that he should have avoided the interaction with musk, if he planned to convince Musk of something.
If he planned to educate the general public, his approach is totally fine, though.
I like to think I managed to represent the Musk-like interaction in my previous reply; responding to your well built message with a snarky comment. Although, I think, I went too far with the dual interpretations.
E: Why is your reply being down-voted? My previous should be the more down-voted one. I also made a little correction to this message.
Are those two things not the same?
I think there are some grateful rescuees because of this action.
That’s some bravery by the other Bradley crew.
And like you said, in what period of time?
Must be doing something wrong if this is the everyday experience (especially for production). And there’s the ones wanting to experiment, which is a different thing. I guess that’s why this is a meme.
Stories of 80085, thanks.
So, according to your comment Europe is getting free (military) resources and/or money from the US with no agenda or gain for the US? It’s like “The US (alone, for your clarification) against the World, we do things just to empower every other nation and everyone else”.
Please, bring your guys home, then. Maybe the World would be better off.
Poor bees which were lost during this kind of activity.