My guess you never heard of stock manipulation.
My guess you never heard of stock manipulation.
This guy must’ve really loved anal to express it as something so otherworldly
Yeah kinda what i thought. At that poind you kinda reach the size of a small moon
Cool pic, and i kinda share the feeling, but it makes me wonder if it was soo big wouldn’t it have its own gravitational field that would mess with the earths. Other than that definitely awe inspiring.
Yeah i know but at this point i feel like there isn’t a company of that size that doesn’t, maybe some are better then others but to get to that size and profitability you have to fuck over someone. And Im not trying to say he would’ve been some kind of savior, but just that those 2 companies were legit ground breaking in their fields.
That why i didn’t say good i said better
This mofo. If only he would’ve stuck with Tesla and Space X and stfu he legit could’ve been on the better side of what billionaires can offer but intead he’s… this.
What does keep you plant healthy imply? What does the box do exactly?