Wait what? Slay the Spire was on your list? Care to elaborate on that a little bit more?
All my Slay the Spire runs start with the exact same starter deck and I do not have extra health, damage, or other bonuses from my prior runs. I don’t get your point.
FTL? What the heck. If I beat the flagship I don’t get any bonuses for beating it for my next run.
I don’t know if we understand ‘roguelite where we get permanent bonuses for next round’ in the same way. In Hades and Rogue Legacy your run will most likely be more stronger than your last run because of permanent upgrades. In FTL, Slay the Spire or Into the Breach you don’t get those - you just expand the available starting gear / setups.
The sad truth is that without news like this I would’ve never known who this person was and ultimately I think I would’ve been happier.
Same applies to these certain US politicians. I know the horrible ones and none of the smart ones by name.
I wish shitty people get zero news coverage, from now on to forever, but people like OP spread the word even when the news is negative. Damn.