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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: January 26th, 2024


  • Hmm this made me wonder why something like this wouldn’t melt the rock and then sink into the crust and then into the planet. Probably not hot enough.
    And that made me think if we could build something like a big pellet of fissile material, encase it in tungsten or something so that it is hot enough to do so but remains stable, and then let it sink into the earth. Maybe that could be tracked? Then we could learn something about how it moves and where it ends up. But probably can’t be tracked since this isn’t star trek 🖖

  • The way I would classify it is if you could somehow extract the “creative writing center” from a human brain, you’d have something comparable to to a LLM. But they lack all the other bits, and reason and learning and memory, or badly imitate them.

    If you were to combine multiple AI algorithms similar in power to LLM but designed to do math, logic and reason, and then add some kind of memory, you probably get much further towards AGI. I do not believe we’re as far from this as people want to believe, and think that sentience is on a scale.

    But it would still not be anchored to reality without some control over a camera and the ability to see and experience reality for itself. Even then it wouldn’t understand empathy as anything but an abstract concept.

    My guess is that eventually we’ll create a kind of “AGI compiler” with a prompt to describe what kind of mind you want to create, and the AI compiler generates it. A kind of “nursing AI”. Hopefully it’s not about profit, but a prompt about it learning to be friends with humans and genuinely enjoy their company and love us.

  • Patents aid in genocide.

    There are hundreds of thousands of industrial processes that we need to change and innovate to combat climate change. Any small innovation will be patented and then potentially exploited to extract the maximum amount of profit. This reduces the pace of innovation generally, and makes greener more energy efficient solutions slower to be adopted.

    Similar can be argued about advertising in general of course, they lead to more consumerism and more resource and energy use and why first world has such insane GHG per capita.

  • Yeah I have no idea if or how it could work. Commie blocks used to design local neighborhoods with shops and kindergarden. Maybe it would be that when you have kids your move to a block with a kindergarden and school, then it would make more sense.

    Maybe it would be harder to farm but maybe it could also be solved through lighter robotic farm equipment. I once calculated that you only need ~250m² for potatoes to produce enough calories so feeding yourself so it’s theoretically not that difficult. I also hope in the decades to come we can genetically engineer better food plants. Like higher / better quality protein crops.

    But my main idea was how to create a view for people that want to “live in nature”. But the hippie ideal for a farmstead is unsustainable with so many people. An apartment block would save a lot on heating, cooling and infrastructure. The proper sci-fi utopia would then be to have underground railway tunnels connect thousands of such apartment blocks in nature. Then much surface area could be rewilded instead of having roads and bridges. But tunnels are rather expensive.

  • Well for me Solarpunk is about what would be possible - except for our current global regime preventing it. So yeah it’s fantasy.

    I don’t know if the costs work out low enough, but you could build such a lone apartment tower on farmland right now. If you had like a government owned “eco bank” funding this. If the land and construction costs can be kept low enough. It would be really cheap with some advances in premanufactured parts or 3D printing or house building robots. Kite power for very cheap wind energy.

    If you could buy in for 50k and get all your living costs, food, energy, water and internet basically for free for the next 20 years, plenty of people would jump at this. And if it’s big enough (500 units?) you could justify having a doctor and a kindergarden and hybrid local / remote school. If we were serious about climate change, everyone could live in luxury with a killer view.

  • I think there are some trees who are very efficient in creating calories - so maybe with more genetic engineering.

    But yeah mostly you’d have smaller fields like potato or wheat or corn between hedgerows, and food forest or orchards for fruits and most of all for a nicer view. The main idea would be that you don’t need to transport food except from the surrounding area to the apartment tower. You’d produce / recycle food, water and energy locally.