Who’s your favorite little rascal? Is it alfalfa? Or SPANKY?
Who’s your favorite little rascal? Is it alfalfa? Or SPANKY?
Wasn’t this the exact plan of Doc Ock from Spiderman 2?
Welcome to the zoo.
This is a negative post about ICE. Might as well have an SS logo on your sleeves as you send people who don’t have ‘papers’ to concentration camps. Whether they are American or not, guilty until proven innocent.
Fuck you ice.
Judges can become high paid arbitrators. I learned that from the Legal Eagle channel
I told people years ago. You don’t own those books.
I own my books… They are made out of this thing called paper and line the wall of my office. All the volumes I value I have of copy of for myself and future generations of my family
I noticed no one seems to be joining him. Specifically I mean, he seems to be the only Dem ready to kick ass.
Technically, if something happened yesterday, it is also historic.
More along the lines of not wanting kids to know or being exposed to lgbtq culture, but he is fine with kids knowing about and being exposed to Nazi culture
Most of society doesn’t understand or doesn’t care.
Sure. My ISP gave me this range for this exact reason.
When will we start seeing stickers at gas pumps and at grocery’s saying “Trump did this”.
How about flags saying “Let’s Go Eric” as an answer to all the let’s go Brandon flags
I use port knock. Really helps against scans if you are the edge device.
If it’s public facing, how about dont turn on ssh to the public, open it to select ips or ranges. Use a non standard port, use a cert or even a radius with TOTP like privacyIdea. How about a port knocker to open the non standard port as well. Autoban to lock out source ips.
That’s just off the top of my head.
There’s a lot you can do to harden a host.
There’s a 40 year I.T. veteran here that still suffers imposter syndrome. It’s a real thing I’ve never been able to shake off
I called it. Powers that be want that beachfront property.
I would agree… But this is hitting children who don’t have the choice. I wouldn’t wish the death of a child on a parent. It should be the parents getting measles and suffering
Whoops, shouldn’t have that bar assocation logo here either.
In other news, Google wants to scan all your messenger images.
No, they aren’t terrible …they are gawd awful.