• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023

    1. No one said linux doesnt work, the Person just said this is one point why He uses Windows.

    2. Building your own Software is definitely exaggerated.

    3. My graphics applications dont work properly (Affinity Suite), my Video Tool barely works although its supported natively (davinci), my DAW (maschine) and my music Hardware (maschine mk3) dont work at all. Installing my vsts is very Tricky (aome dont work at all). My cloud storage has no linux Client (proton drive). This is just the most important stuff for my use case, which keeps me from switching to Linux.

  • I also use it since win 95. And really gad no Problems over the last years. Maybe the start if win10 was a little rough but after that no issues.I have used it for All kind of stuff: gaming, graphics 3d and 2d, game dev, programming, a lot of music production, writing and just tinkering around. I am no admin though, so i have no opinion on that. The only Thing where performance was bad, was on my old laptop which i Switched to Linux, but on my main PC no complaints. I do wish to switch to Linux at some point but right now some Software and Hardware i use just isnt supported, so there is really no good reason to switch now.

  • Well there is a lot to critizise on Windows, but to be honest i didnt have any Problems with Updates, crashes, installing Software and drivers or anything Else on Windows in years. Even upgrading from win 10 to 11 caused no issues. I do want to switch to Linux when the Hardware and Software i need is eventually supported, because i dont like all the privacy issues on Windows, but from a Performance and stability point of view i really cant complain about Windows at the Moment

  • Yes i also tend to prefer foss if available and suitable. The problem is that sometimes there is no adequate alternative. In my case its music production. Sure there are foss alternatives on Linux, but to be honest in a lot of cases they dont even come close to professional proprietary Software. On top of that i spent hundreds of Euro on music hard and Software, that either just runs on Linux with huge amounts of tweakings and drawbacks or just doesnt run at all. And i am not Willing to give up my soft and Hardware Stack that i built up over the last years. I also thought about running all this stuff over Windows in a VM, but then im basically in Windows again and i think this defeats the purpose of Switching to Linux.

  • Well up until they try to run Software that isnt supported on Linux. Dont get me wrong, i like Linux (have it on my laptop that i only use occasionally) and i really want to switch completely. But i have some Software that i need and it just doesnt run on Linux or needs huge amounts of workarounds or tweakings that can break any time. So Every time i want to switch i end up on Windows again. And i know, this isnt entirely Linux Fault but the companies who are unwilling to make their Software compatible.