Seeing Master Chief rumored to be arriving on switch makes me wish Sony would give Little Big Planet a port on Switch. My Steam Deck can already do LBP on the go (somewhat) but i can’t help but feel like LBP and the Switch would be a perfect match
Thank you! I’m a bit nervous despite checking all my work to make sure everything fits and i got everything i need. Sadly, I just got notified some of the parts won’t be here until early February though so my Steam Deck gets to suffer through half a month of being forced to push 1080p-4K resolutions
With Wii vs. 8/8 Deluxe i feel like they’re very samey. Not that it’s a bad thing. When i pop in Mario Kart i usually just want to play basic Mario Kart without much work, so the Switch usually wins out because i don’t need to hunt down 3 different cables and worry about the disc getting scratched lol. Granted, Wii has it’s own unique things too it. But it’s very rare for me personally that i want to play with those unique things over just normal Mario Kart.
I still have a lot of Nostalgia for Wii though because it’s the one i grew up playing, so if both 8 and Wii are just as easy to setup (such as with Emulation), i’ll usually go for Wii.
to be honest I’ve been struggling the past few days to figure out what to play because I have parts for my first Gaming Rig on the way. So I want to save all the “good” stuff for that lol. I was honestly a bit worried my screenshots these past few days have been lacking.
I’ve considered moving the title to the post, but some people have said they like guessing the games and I’d like to avoid spoiling it for them, otherwise I would start doing unique titles. I think if I ever end up stopping though, I’ll probably start doing unique titles for when I occasionally pop in and share an isolated post
I had a wheel growing up and it was by far my favorite way to play it. If I had a wheel still I might have tried to use it to play with Dolphin
It’s definitely something I keep meaning to check out. I keep putting it off until I set my Wii U back up so I can get a pretty close to authentic experience, but I never end up doing it because I can’t find the power cable
I was thinking to myself Last Night while posting how crazy it was that I made it to six months. This feels like the most consistent thing in my day right now and I enjoy doing it
Oh yeah. The Twin Peaks parody completely slipped my mind even though I knew it for Alan Wake. Still, seeing it was really fun
I know Control 2, FBC: Firebreak, and the Max Payne 1 & 2 Remakes are planned/In Development. Even though Alan Wake II almost didn’t happen, with how successful it was i expect a sequel to at least be considered right now too
Quantum Break is the Only Remedy game I have left to beat (Unless you want to count Death Rally lol). I have been putting it off for a while but I really should get to it soon
I remember doing the lost woods. OoT’s will always be my favorite but damn will I say that BoTw gives it a run for its money with the puzzle to solve it and atmosphere
Damn. I completely forgot Media Molecule did Dreams. I think Sumo Digital (the same studio that made LBP3) did Sackboy. Part of me wonders if they excluded the level editor to avoid seeming like this was meant to be a direct successor to LBP
I grew up playing 2 and there was this “GTA” level that me and my Sister would play the fuck out of. It wasn’t even anything special looking back on it I don’t think but it was so much fun
After hearing it has an uncharted level I’m tempted to pick it up just for that
Yeah, i get that. I’ve been going through getting collectibles today and some of them take forever. I’m dreading getting all the chests. Idk why Ubisoft insists on adding so many every game
The Story makes it one of my favorites. I just beat it and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little teary eyed at the ending
4 for me is probably carried a lot by the story for me. Though I do enjoy the Naval combat. If you like the Stealth i’d suggest Unity. It has by far the best refinement of the Stealth mechanics
I wouldn’t say there’s more of the campaign. Maybe in the story for the Online but there’s like 6 or so missions and that’s it.
The Legendary Bounties id say are maybe a bit closer to the story mode with getting a story of who you’re hunting and then they’ll have unique characters to them. Like there’s one where you fight this Cult Leader and he has a boss fight where he’s wearing Plate armor so you have to tire him out first. But the bounties are so far into the online mode I can’t say they’re worth investing the time.
It’s kind of disappointing to me too. I love doing the online activities but the lack of a full story makes me sad. Especially considering how they abandoned the game so we probably won’t ever get one
From what I’ve heard Mirage was a return to form for the franchise and id assume Shadows would keep with that, but the latest game I played was Valhalla and even then I didn’t beat it and I skipped over Odyssey so I’m not sure exactly how true to form Mirage is
Can we consider the PS3 Retro at 17? If so i’d have to say Uncharted and Little Big Planet. I keep my Childhood Copies out just to play them.
If i need to go further back i’d have to side with Ocarina of Time. It’s such a basic Zelda story with it’s Arthurian lore and dungeons, but it’s like the cornerstone Zelda game for me. Mario 64 while im at it