All states should leave the us now ASAP.
Except maybe New York and Florida, because they have given him shelter.
All states should leave the us now ASAP.
Except maybe New York and Florida, because they have given him shelter.
About the stinking, you would better look for these bacteries advantage :)
As I understand, you like both options (for different reasons).
One more aspect is your further career: Always check if a new job fits well into your resume, and brings you forward to better/higher paid options in the future, or not. This is especially important when you’re young.
Option B seems a dead end in this regard. You cannot become a ‘boss driver’ or even a ‘senior driver’ from it. You’ll stay on the same career level forever.
treibt die CUII vor sich her
… aber sie rennen leider trotzdem nicht, die alten Klappergestelle ;-)
Wow. Don’t change the setting back! Never!!
Or your phone would be blocked forever with downloading all these missed notifications…
Relevant for whole world.
Nearly all people from that country think that.
About nearly all of their topics.
Gleich mal nachgeschaut, ob der “superböse” :-) Titel wirklich von der Tagesschau kommt:
Nein, so ist es nicht.
The standard (automated) attacker manipulates the ‘inside’ device first (for example, it executes a JavaScript) and makes it perform an attack on the WiFi router, to which the device is connected.
If the inside device is a windows pc and the WiFi router has it’s inside port open for administrative actions, this is an easy game. Millions of WiFi routers have been turned into bots this way.
In your case the WiFi router is windows. This is different from the usual plastic router, but still not really a safe situation.
The attacking bots will surely be liking all your ‘buts’ ;-)
Wichtiger Hinweis, das mit der 2. und 3. Stufe.
Demnach bekommt der Busunternehmer auf der Insel auch dieses Jahr noch NICHTS, weil er ja nur leistet, aber nicht selber verkauft.
Nur recht wenige Busunternehmer können sich eine eigene Verkaufs-App bauen und dann auch noch durch entspr. Werbung ordentliche D-Ticket-Verkaufszahlen generieren.
Ahso. Meinung nur noch unter Bedingungen.
Gegenfrage: Welche Definition von “krebserregend” möchtest du verwenden?
Wie käme der Busunternehmer eigentlich an Einnahmen
Gar nicht.
Die entsprechende Umverteilung der Einnahmen zwischen den verkaufenden Firmen ist von Anfang an geplant, aber m.W. bisher noch nicht realisiert.
Window only faces internally so I’m okay w it not getting support
There is room some future proofing.
All your mobile devices connect directly to that Windows. Consider them ‘unsafe’. Consider Windows ‘unsafe’ as well.
‘unsafe’ + ‘unsafe’ = incubator for all kinds of trouble IMHO.
sour apple spray
Doesn’t it attract ants etc?
“Because” is not what people care about. You shout at them and then they don’t love you anymore ;-)
Make that 1840…