Ex-egg. Turns out wishing you were a girl does work.

  • 21 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2024


  • Aww, that’s great <3 I’m so glad it went well.

    Edit: actually now that I come to think of it, the timing is probably not a coincidence – it’s the Streisand effect. All the transphobic noise at the moment has pushed transgender people into the public consciousness, and that has probably helped a lot of people figure themselves out. At least, I think it had a big part in cracking my egg. So thanks, crazy people!

  • Good and bad. I seem to be stuck in a “I’m really happy with feminizing HRT, but I’m faking being a woman” brain loop. Having switched to patches I have the fun of titrating up again, so it might just be poor hormone levels making me feel shitty.

    Went out the other day in as full girl-mode as I can manage. It was fun, and easily the least dissatisfied I’ve ever been with my appearance.

    Wife is reluctant to use my new name. Which is a bit surprising since she’s been supportive so far, so I guess I’ll have to try to find out what’s bothering her and (gently) explain that this is a big deal, and it’s not going to go away.

    Ewphoria! An older guy that knows me (but I’m not yet out to) said something that roughly translates to “you look so much like a woman I almost want to feel your ass.” Which is, um, a weird thing to say. But kind of validating. So thanks, but no thanks, I guess?

  • Yes, I can relate!

    Even though clothes, makeup etc aren’t inherently gendered, a lot of people (myself included) have pretty strong associations between those items and binary genders. That person with long hair, wearing mascara, lipstick and a skirt? I’m going to assume they’re trying to present feminine and identify as a woman*.

    Before coming out, I spent a long time trying very hard to be a man. Avoiding femininity. That cute outfit? Not for you, bad!. Long hair? Not for you, bad!, Make up? Run away! Not for you! Associating with women? You’d better only be looking for sex, not someone you identify with. For someone who grew up in a very binary, gender-conforming environment, it was a learned instinct for self-preservation.

    So of course when I start trying out feminine stuff, all that internalized misogyny comes flooding back, pointing at myself. Thing is, it also feels really good, and so I feel guilty, like I’m doing something I shouldn’t. In other words, embarrassing.

    Going slowly and getting used to things gradually helps. Also other people’s lack of reaction: I went out today in a skirt and make-up; nobody gave me a second look, let alone commented. So I can tell myself: see, nobody cares. It isn’t that bad. (Of course, there are also transphobic assholes out there, so be careful)

    * I should clarify this: I don’t mean that only women can present like that. Gender non-conforming people are a thing. Clothes are not inherently gendered. But in everyday life (rather than, say, LGBT-centric spaces), I’m going to assume, until corrected,

  • Sorry, maybe it was a bit too obscure! It’s a meme about feminizing voice training.

    First panel is Frieren; she has a fairly deep voice (for anime at least) but obviously feminine. Should be achievable, and I’d be really happy if I could sound anywhere close to that (although maybe a bit less breathy).

    Second panel is Makoto from Sempai is an Otokonoko - the scene where he’s(*) standing in front of a blackboard after being outed. His voice is quite soft and high, but sounds like a boy (in-universe he can pass) – which is kind of where I’m at most of the time.

    I’m talking about the Japanese voice acting, btw. I assume the dubs use similar voices.

    (*) There’s apparently some debate over this, but since Makoto rejects wanting to be a girl and explicitly says “I’m a guy”, I’m going to assume femboy rather than trans girl.