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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023

  • Why do you think so many people upvoted?

    Because populism works. You invent or change facts to create simple problems or simplify complex problems ad absurdum and then present easy solutions. People like easy solutions and tend to believe it when it would be to much work to actually fact check the whole premise.

    Which is exactly what you did there. For this reason a lot of people just quickly read through it decided “yeah, sound logical” and upvoted. And for exactly the same reason I picked the most bullshit claims from your comment in order and described how and why they are bullshit.

    Your response? Not only ignoring the facts I mentioned but explicitly saying that it “doesn’t matter. What matters is what the public sees and hears about them.”… Fine, so you reject reality for narratives and actually think the latter is what matters. Good to know.

    That also explains why you feel attacked by facts and perceive me as hateful… you do know that there actually is a medical term for people choosing the fantasy they want to believe in over factual reality, don’t you?

  • The shopping cart test for a community. […] Culture is learned from your peer group.

    Perfect example… Germany universally has this deposit system for their shopping carts but bypassed the handling and inserting of a coin into the cart at the height of covid.

    Since then I have barely seen any reversal there. People still return their carts although they don’t need to get their coin back where the system is still disabled. Or they just conveniently forget to use the system and still bring their carts back without locking them there where the system is operational again.

    The actual deposit was basically only needed for the learning phase. After this it just works automatically.

  • And in Germany the CDU being in government most of the FDR’s existence (and for 16 years before the last election) are loudly talking about being the “alternative” Germany needs (not coincidently choosing that term when the far-right AfD is the “Alternative for Germany”) to fix all the decade long issues… after less than 2 years in opposition.

    Conservatives finally understood a simple truth. They only need the votes of their rich clients and the poor gullible morons for a majority and can ignore anyone between. And the populism used to achieve that is much easier and cheaper than an actual political program.

  • The greens parties have a similar issue. People know them for ecology and ? People don’t know the other parts of the program of the greens parties. They have to stop speaking about ecology and begin with the other topics

    And right here you are falling for propaganda without even realizing it. It’s not the green parties failing to talk about other issues. It’s other (usually right wing - as basically all greens are also socially left) parties drowning this out, because they know they can divide people by pushing their noses into the ecological problems (and the economic hardships naturally linked to trying to reverse centuries of exploitation).

    (Btw… Just like it’s also never actually the left parties talking all day about “woke” topics. That’s also the right-wing parties creating an imaginary discussion because it’s divisive.)

  • This comment and the fact that it’s also massively upvoted perfectly demonstrates the problem. Not an analysis of the problem or an solution, but THE problem: You are brain-washed by propaganda and living in some opposite-world were right is left and left is right.

    So let’s start at the top:

    “But 60% of the potential right voters say they just vote them out of protest.”

    Nope, that’s bullshit. That’s an excuse. And that quota will decrease with “voting fascist” becoming socially accepted behavior.

    (Also, just like the last time the fascists will not get more votes until they come to power. They will be elevated to power by other parties, the ones pretending to refuse any cooperation today. That’s another 70-80% -those proclaiming to never form a government with the AfD- that is completely imaginary and just cheap talk. For some parties this might be actually true. For a lot of people it isn’t. And the weakest link right now is the political failures for decades now leading the biggest/conservative party with his own brand of right-wing populism.)

    “It wouldn’t be that hard for the other parties to turn that ship around, but I don’t see anything happening.”

    Because that’s also bullshit. There is no simple real life solution to imaginary problems and invented scape goats. Only if you believe the AfD’s propaganda already you believe in non-existing fantasy measures that the governing parties simply refuse to take.

    “The big parties are following their utterly liberal ultra capitalist line”

    And now you totally lost it. Yes, there is a party with an ultra capitalist line aiming for no social secuitry net, no taxes for the rich. It’s called the AfD. It’s in their program even, as they don’t need to lie when most people are too lazy to actually start reading it over the propaganda fed to you in easier form.

    Not surprisingly, the people wanting this know. Or who do you think is financing the AfD? Billionaires, old remains of aristocracy, multi-billion “familiy business” pretending to be middle-class, rich land owners. Those are the AfD clients. You are just a tool.

    “The problem is our left party is too busy with wokeness topics”

    And the next right-wing narrative. “Woke” is a right-wing invention. There are also no “woke topics” heavily pushed by left parties. It’s the right that is doing all the talking. They again invented some imaginary issue -in this case things like “gender inclusive language pushed by the left”- to fight against. The problem as usual: The issue doesn’t exist. They fight against an imaginary forced use of certain language, while nobody is forcing anyone. They are also the only ones actually regulating how we are allowed to speak (AfD and CDU locally banned use of gender inclusive language in parliaments already).

    The Afd (and to a lower degree the conservatives) are the ones pushing the issue to have something to rally their voters against. Here’s who is actually talking about Gender all day:

    “And our left still has a “Russia problem” […] So people vote for the right.”

    No, the Left is very fragmented and diverse, so they have probably still a few people individually more attached to Russia than the West. The actual Party with a “Russia problem” is the AfD again. They got partly financed by Russia, they parrot Kremlin taking points. But -as seen- you already live in a propaganda-induced alternative reality. So why should one more delusion matter, right?

    “I still hope a new left party would emerge”

    Let me guess? Some new left party, like that clown-show Wagenknecht is celebrating… parroting far-right talking points and Russian propaganda while pretending to be left? A.k.a. the living embodiment of the horseshoe or “far-right for pussies afraid to openly stand for their far-right bullshit”?

    Congratulations. You are spreading AfD bullshit while either pretending or being so confused by propaganda to actually believing to fight against the far-right.

    Sorry, to say that. But if you are an average example of the voters (and the fact that this piece of written diarrhea is heavily upvoted supports my fears here…) then we are truly and utterly lost and the fascists will win.

  • To bring things closer to what the subject of this community is, unfortunately one way this is becoming a significant problem right now is with the Republicans in America

    And there is your problem: You actually mention “closer to the subject of this cummunity” and the US in the same breath. No, the closest problem for Ukraine (Russia aside, but they are so far gone there is nothing we can do about them but supporting their military defeat at this point) sit in Ukraine and in Ukraine neighbours. They can’t shed the ex-USSR then Russian conditioning and the fairy tales of the weak West.

    It is no coincidence that those people all only managed to shift the narrative slightly. So now it’s the US that is their savior while all the useless Western European countries are weak and listening to Russian narratives. Exactly like they learned for decades from Russia belittle anyone and only accepting the US as their peer (because their propaganda doesn’t work without a dangerous enemy).

    And so there are mainly two big groups in Eastern Europe: Brain-washed people that believe Russias bullshit, and brain-washed people hating Russia and still believing the bullshit as long as it’s a story about those idiots in Western Europe.

    And sorry, you need to wake up yourself. That’s nothing others can do for you. The support for Ukraine’s fight against Russian occupiers is big enough to overlook the obvious bullshit going on with Ukraine and other Eastern European countries pushing bullshit about their actual allies in Europe. And it’s big enough to mostly overlook the constant delusional talk about Westeners beliebving in Russian propaganda narratives they haven’t even heard about yet. For now…

    PS (personal opinion only): Also no, no US president will actually stop the Ukraine support. The whole republican party may talk loudly but the actual US problem is corporate control over legislature and government. And the military-industrial complex is huge, influential and booming because of the Western support of Ukraine.

  • I guess you never heard of RT and the sort.

    Yes, I heard about them. But that’s exactly my point. They get banned here in domestic translation and that’s it. And as most people are not speakign Russian there is no way to get flooded by their bullshit narratives in other ways. You often need to belong to a very small group of morons communicating their bullshit in usually closed groups (and given those types of people it’s no coincidence they smoothly transitioned from population replacement to anti-vax and covid dictatorship to Russia-did-nothing-wrong bullshit; next will be probably flat earth… or some classic anti-semitic conspiracy to go back to their roots) to get the hand-made trnaslations of that propaganda.

    That’s different for countries on Russias side of the iron curtain. And sorry, but at some point being told to stop believing Russian propaganda narrative X when in reality that accusation is also the first time you heard that piece of bullshit mentioned in the first place again and again by Eastern Europeans is tiring and shows a very accurate picture of who constantly hangs on Russia’s lips and can’t stop swallowing up their crap. All while also accusing others…

    If you find my frustration after 1½ years of this is “sounding condescending”… Again, your problem, not mine.

  • No, I will not think about it.

    I know it’s hard to break that Russian/USSR conditioning after countless decades and that for this reason the narrative of Western Europeans somehow also believing in Russian propaganda (although they usually never actually here it in the first palce lacking the language skills…) is very important. But that is your problem, not mine. I will not tiptoe around you because you won’t grow up. Nobody sane gives a fuck about Russian lies. Seriously… not even the ones parroting that bullshit believe it, they are simply paid well for pretending.

    Ukraine wants to become part of the Western world, of NATO and EU. So they need to adapt and finally shed the Russian influence. We already have countries running on insane right-wing populism and either constructing every disagreement as an attempt to destroy them or (when lacking those) just inventing some as the only means to stay relevant. We don’t need one more in the form of Ukraine denouncing every valid criticism as Russian influence, so it’s really time to get a grip on things. Not everything is about you. Acknowledging that there is a world (also with issues) beyond Ukraine and Russia does not mean we are forgetting about it. I know the brain-washing is hard to fix, but contrary to what you were told, the West is neither moronic, brain-damaged, stupid or lost in their decadent decay. And the sooner you get that (and also stop to just shift those narratives slightly so you can adore the US while Western Europeans are the idiots/corrupts/weaklings/whatever the latest Russian narratives told you), the easier everything will be.

  • My “rhetoric” is mentioning facts. Russia commited hundreds of documented within weeks. Where are they now? 20k? Even more cases?

    And yet here you are feeling so weak that someone daring to mention US war crimes in an article about US refusing to cooperate with the ICC for a long time because they are afraid of being persecuted for their war crimes, too, is perceived by you as spinning narratives and using rhetorics to minimize Russian war crimes? C’mon… in which way does any war crime get lessened by another one commited?

    Oh, yeah I know. There is exactly one way to lessen a war crime: crying whataboutism every time it is mentioned. So good work there. This really helps so people that intentionally lied to their allies to get them to illegally invade Iraq and kill hundreds of thousands are staying untouched.

    And surprise, it doesn’t actually change anything about Russian war crimes either way. In fact finally convictim US war criminals would help in bringing Russian war criminals to justice. As is would deprive Russia of the basically single one talking point in their propaganda and a legal precedence (Reminder: US and Russia are both in the same legal situation of having signed but never ratified the ICC agreements, to then later withdraw their signature, too).

  • “The Pentagon had been resistant to the move and privately argued that any cooperation with the court could open the way for politicized prosecution of American troops deployed overseas.”

    “Republican and Democratic lawmakers have accused the Pentagon of effectively undermining war crimes prosecution of Russia by blocking the sharing of U.S. military intelligence with the ICC.”

    This article is literally (as in I quoted this directly from the article) about the US Pentagon refusing to cooperate with the ICC as any cooperation could be seen as legitimization when the ICC goes after US war criminals.

  • I know, brain-rot is bad and you are trained to throw that buzzword at any fact giving context like a good little soldier…

    But in this case the US generally refusing any cooperation with the ICC and now for the very first time making an exception even IS the exact topic here. And they do so because it would legitimate the ICC, which the US wants to avoid given their actual war crimes. That’s not even an opinion but an actual Pentagon statement.