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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 10th, 2024


  • I feel u. This is all fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD) which is actively disseminated by bad faith actors trying to weaken the country from within. A culture which fears itself is ineffective. Keeping in mind that we are all apart of the same culture whether we like it or not, it is important that the energy u project back into the culture at large be one of love, kindness, good-nature, and trust.

    A lot of the youth saying these things u bring up are convinced that this it, the revolution theyve been hearing about and that there is no other way but to feed into the bull. Good on u to push back, and do ur best to not give into the negative emotions projected but to put back in something more constructive.

    If the revolution were to truly happen, it will not be fought with guns, but by holding our surplus value hostage. We cannot defeat a militarized police or surveillance state govt via violence, but we can via economic warfare- and in that sort of conflict, love, kindness, good-nature, trust- solidarity- will be indisposable and key to not only winning, but surviving out right as well.

  • I dont like biden. I approve of some of his policies. I dig forgiving student loans. I like the updated infrastructure plan, esp that it specifically targets the state that just had issues with their roads floading and is in desperate need of more jobs (VT). And i like the Texan high speed rail idea. Texas being annoying as shit aside, a high speed rail between two massive metropolises is exactly what we need. Not to mention the big 3 cities in TX already historically vote blue in the general so trying to energize that crowd ahead of the election seems a little optimistic, but not as misplaced as some would have u believe.

    Biden is still Status Quo Joe to me. He still represents the continuation of neoliberal policies that keep us from addressing the climate crisis, but he does not represent a disruption to the democratic process but rather its continuation. With the youth being more aware of the climate situation, the draconian foreign policies we hold, and on the whole supporting a wider array of left leaning policies than any generation prior, biden is the only sane choice.

  • That first sentence is what I love about Linux bros. For all the supposed gatekeeping and pretentiousness that goes on in these circles, i find this to be much more representative of my experience. As i said elsewhere in the thread, im really not very well versed in all that Linux is/can be. And yet, somehow someway, ive never really felt put down for it when seeking help.

    Before this comment, i honestly didnt know there could be such preferences to ur package managers.

  • Its hilarious to me how this ai chatbot is doing the work of healthily socializing these dudes.

    Like, i grew up in a… er- lets just say i grew up in an environment to say the least. I was hateful and bigotted towards lots of groups bc i was sad, downtrodden, and felt undervalued. Of all things to make me actually turn it around, the thing that really did it, was being called a white supremacist to my face by one of the few kind people i got on with. The kicker was, there was 2 ppl that said it. One was the one i preffered talking to, the other i put down as a suburban redneck.

    My god did that sting. I didnt look em in the eye the rest of the school year. Really got me thinking, how can these two see this in me? How could the redneck be able to hold this over me? I didnt even say anything that bad. (spoiler, i did)

    But long story short, that def did the trick. Or kicked it off, anyway. Thats whats supposed to happen to extremist opinions. They get brought up in public, and u get shamed and put down, not for being you, but exclusively that shitty opinion, bc that opinion has no place in the world.

    I guess the chatbot provides that. Weirdly uplifting. If incels are deradicalized by a sexbot, tho, itll be weird to think that in the end what saved them, was the very horniness that got them radicalized in the first place.