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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: September 23rd, 2024

  • Atomkraftwerke bauen halte ich eher für wichtig, weil man damit Gas und Kohle ersetzen kann.

    Ich habe schon öfter gehört dass da der Zeitplan schwierig ist, dass wenn wir jetzt anfangen erst in 20 Jahren mit einem netto Gewinn zu rechnen ist. Da kommt mir die Frage ob das jetzt wirklich nötig ist, wenn es so lange dauert warum dann nicht gleich mehr Solar, Wind und Hydro(speicher). (bin aus Österreich, haben glaube ich alleine wegen der vielen Flüsse 60% Hydro hier aber schon klar dass das geographisch bedingt ist)

    Ich tue mir bei dem Thema schwer rauszulesen was naiver Techno-Optimismus ist und was es wirklich benötigt. Gefühlt spinnen und cherry-picken alle Leute die Statististiken und Zahlen die ihnen gefallen und nichts wirkt kohärent.

  • Austrian here.

    There were 3 parties in the coaliton talks. ÖVP - christian conservatives SPÖ - social democrats NEOS - liberals

    Theoretcally ÖVP and SPÖ have a majority, but it is too slim for their tastes.

    There were two possible junior candidates - NEOS or Die Grünen (Green Party) The current government is ÖVP and Greens.

    From my understanding of the news of today the 3 parties stances are as following:

    NEOS: Blame SPÖ for not being willing to make sacrifices to enhance the economy. SPÖ: Blame the other parties for not considering any form of wealth/inheritance tax.

    The thing was “controversial” from the start because the party with the most votes, the FPÖ (far-right) was not included in the talks. SPÖ and NEOS were never considering them, but the ÖVP leadership only talked about their head (Herbert Kickl) being too far right the rest of the party being “reasonable”. The FPÖ has had numerous neo-nazi scandals over the past 50 years. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_rechtsextremer_und_neonazistischer_Vorfälle_in_der_FPÖ

    The discrepancy for the three parties is too big to make meaningful change, they do not aree on core policies like immigration and economic direction. So NEOS canceled the talks today.

    The result will be FPÖ - ÖVP so a right government OR their might be another election but everybody knows that FPÖ will get an even bigger share of the votes.

    IMO the options were grim from the start. A limp government of some fiddling with taxes and slowly empoverishing the population or a hard-right coalition of nationalist & protectionist economic redistribution to the top. Life will be worse here for the foreseeable future.