I have definitely found that to be the case. It helps to sort by new too 😅
I have definitely found that to be the case. It helps to sort by new too 😅
I disagree with your last statement. Is promising to change not evidence of the motivation to change?
Some people lie about their intentions or don’t plan to change as quickly as expected, absolutely. But to assume everyone who has promised to change won’t feels unfair.
This sounds legit to me and I’m an expert, because I too have a grandmother
This sounds like data crystals to me. Please tell me why I am stupid 😂
Not from this post obviously, but I’m a newbie from Reddit and excited for what Lemmy has to offer
Oh, in that case I take it back.
God, I hate this timeline!
To my knowledge Russia isn’t attempting to commit genocide. They want to have Ukraine under their thumb, not eradicated.
That is in no way a defence of Russia’s actions. I just don’t think we need to levy, what I believe to be a falsehood (I’m willing to accept I may be wrong here if anyone has evidence) at Russia to denounce them.
My comment about genocide was a jab at your Hitler-esque choice of words and comparing your view of Russian people to Hitler’s view of Jewish people.
I’m glad it’s not just me
That’s an interesting choice of words. Feels pretty genocidy in my humble opinion
Was it actually a US-Poland spat?
I thought it was just Musk running his mouth on Twitter as per.
If that’s the case I think it’s a dangerous game for the wider world to conflate Musk’s actions with the US as a whole
Edit: Seems like it was also US official/s taking part. What a wonderful world we live in 🙃
Now, I’m no expert but as I understand it, the North Sea is a pretty big place.
How is this even possible with modern navigation and communication systems? Even archaic, navigation and communication systems would be able to prevent this from happening. A crows nest would probably be able to avoid this from happening.
Am I crazy?
I think this is the winner. Pretty much exactly what I wanted. Thank you so much!
Oh awesome. I’ve never heard of it, I’ll have to check it out
A brain/computer interface. But like you say, depending on the state of tech companies maybe only as an input (I can manipulate computers without allowing them to send a signal of any kind to me).
It’d just be for stuff like mentally dictating note taking, being able to “Google” my thoughts (probably best to send the output to my phone rather than directly into my brain)
I’m so glad we’re on the same page. I’ll go back to the people who are actually open and welcoming to new people rather than the ones that try their hardest to condescend and belittle when I am justifiably suspicious of a random unknown file
I don’t remember asking what Debian was. I demanded an answer to the question, “would you download an unfamiliar file from a stranger without any context or description of what it is” (paraphrasing because I don’t remember exactly what I said). And that demand was only because of the condescending comment I was replying to.
I can admit I have been disrespectful to three people, but only in retaliation to a disrespectful comment levied at me first. Everyone else I have had a pleasant discussion with and thanked them for their time and help. I deserve as much respect as anyone else here does, why did you and the others feel justified being disrespectful to me and expecting me to just allow that to happen without me calling it out for what it is?
And I did read the links you posted, I just don’t see how they are relevant to this case. I thought it could have been a productive discussion, and other than this thread and three particularly rude and unwelcoming people, it has been.
I asked if anyone knows of a resource. I didn’t demand a response. Are you seriously suggesting that people in the open source community see sharing information as a bad thing? That is honestly baffling 😂
That’s a great list, thank you for taking the time. I’ll look into them all
Thank you, I appreciate you actually trying to educate me. If I knew that, I definitely would have been less suspicious
Welcome, I hope you enjoy your time here too