• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 7th, 2023


  • Another thing from the comments

    Now non-technical people with ideas can start prototyping and raise money

    Didn’t people use to say stuff like this about HTML? (Also paper prototyping exists, and I would also think that for almost all interesting ideas you actually need to have a technical person up front to know if a thing is even technically possible/viable (Wait, looking at the computation requirements of LLMs and the hype about that, im taking that last statement back ;) )).

    The people discussing a random asspulled number to make a point as actually important is also very HN.

  • It looks like a media prop making a soft parody of buzzword laced sites that don’t actually say anything. ‘we provide business solutions and services’ lol

    And of course, due to my browser being slightly locked down (or the whole site being broken) the whole ‘check it out’ button does nothing.

    The animated button that looks like it might direct you to a chat option (but actually just scrolls you back up to the start of the page for some unknown reason) is also great. (This is isn’t really their fault btw, it is that wordpress themes one (if you image search on the people being happy with the services provided you will find a few other sites with the same theme, and same stock image).

    Hello world!

  • With the private jet and all.

    A story I heard, one of the problems with private jets (and private jet trackers) is that often private jets cannot be stored at normal airports. So after delivering the rich people to the airport it needs to take off again, and go to a smaller airport to stay there. This drives up the environmental costs to insane levels (now each trip is 3 takeoffs), but this also causes weirdness with the people tracking the planes of celebs, as they now overinflate the actual flights they are in, which annoys weird pedants (like me). I wonder if the celebs taking these flights are even aware of it. Anyway, remember this if you hear a story of ‘celeb X took their private plane to skip traffic’ stories, there is a chance they were not actually in this plane. (So put down those surface to air launchers you lunatics).

    Not that the usage of private planes isn’t insane and should be banned/heavily regulated.