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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • It just looks creepily like Mara’s right arm is bending backwards.

    What a great pair of books though (Allegiance and Choice of One). Would have made a great Disney Plus series if that had been a thing back when they were released. Honestly, they could still do something similar. Cut out Mara (sad face) and the Luke and Han stuff, but a story about a group of renegade stormtroopers trying to make the Empire a better place by taking out pirate gangs and corrupt Imperials would be pretty awesome.

  • See, Disco had it right. Doctors wore white, compared to the navy blue uniforms of all the other divisions, including Sciences. Presumably during the war someone decided that your medic being conspicuously covered in blood gave a bad impression, that was downgraded to nurses (SNW Chapel) and the doctors wore blue (although the slightly lighter shade than science divison). Then later, nurses got blue as well (TOS Chapel). Or was Chapel a full MD by then? Not sure about that.

  • A few quotes from the article, for anyone looking at the headline asking “what does that mean?”

    China had called the poll a choice between war and peace. Beijing strongly opposes [Ruling-party candidate] Lai

    While domestic issues such as the sluggish economy and expensive housing also featured prominently in the campaign, Lai’s Democratic Progressive Party’s appeal to self-determination, social justice and rejection of China’s threats ultimately won out. It’s the first time a single party has led Taiwan for three consecutive four-year presidential terms since the first open presidential election in 1996.

    Lai and incumbent President Tsai Ing-wen reject China’s sovereignty claims over Taiwan, a former Japanese colony that split from the Chinese mainland amid civil war in 1949. They have, however, offered to speak with Beijing, which has repeatedly refused to hold talks and called them separatists.

  • Andor introduced by killing a dude in cold blood? That was Gilroy. Andor being conflicted and unable to take the shot on a legitimate military target? That was Edwards.

    So you have this mish-mash of conflicting story beats,

    Or… character development. He’s grown up in the Rebellion, he’s OK with killing people in cold blood if he has to as long as he can justify it as hurting the Empire. Then he meets Jyn and Chirrut and Baze and he is forced to question his whole philosophy. He’s been ordered to kill Galen Erso, but only unofficially, after being told to bring him in alive. He’s gotten to know Jyn and knows what killing her father will do to her. He’s starting to see him as a person instead of just another Imperial target. So he hesitates.

    God, in my opinion Rogue One is arguably the best Star Wars film, and if not, it’s a close second behind Empire.

    And Andor just expands on the fact that it’s a whole galaxy of potential stories, it doesn’t just have to be about lightsabers and space wizards called Skywalker.

    Yes, there seems to have been some behind the scenes decisions taken, and the whole film gave me a slightly different vibe to the original trailer. Would I love to see Gareth Edwards’s original cut of the film? Hell yes. Do I think Disney is taking the franchise in the Marvel “let’s make safe and less interesting popcorn entertainment rather than push the envelope and see what we can do with this universe” direction? Also yes.

  • the expectation is that the players have just been paying attention to the game in general.

    Hahaha. We just spent several months of game time (and several years of real time) taking a succubus-esque thing around with us because we didn’t listen to some NPCs at the very beginning and thought she was just a hostage we were rescuing. The GM spent so much time slowly building her up and making her ever so slightly more evil to see when we’d finally notice. Turns out it took literally mind controlling one of our named NPCs that worked in the circus. Boy, did we feel bad afterwards. We still didn’t know she was a succubus, we thought she was just an asshole, so we fired her. The GM let us know afterwards. There was no detail about her in the book other than the initial encounter, we were just supposed to kill her.

    So yeah. Paying attention. We don’t really do that…