On second thought I’d probably just troll the French by moving them to the bottom of flights of stairs after they’ve walked up.
On second thought I’d probably just troll the French by moving them to the bottom of flights of stairs after they’ve walked up.
Honestly. This.
There is so much that I would want to do that requires time to be “flowing” that the only things I could probably get done would be some cleaning, reading, and some rest.
Food doesn’t cook without time. Computers and other electronics need time to process inputs. If I want to get anywhere I’m walking.
The only immoral stuff might be some shoplifting, maybe. But even then I wouldn’t really be motivated if I could afford whatever it was otherwise.
A changeling might use a different name for each mask and persona and adopt new names as easily as they change faces. The true name of a changeling tends to be simple and monosyllabic; however, there are often accents to a changeling’s name that are expressed through shapeshifting, something single-skins will likely miss. So, two changelings might have the name Jin, but one is Jin-with-vivid-blue-eyes and one is Jin-with-golden-nails.
I’m more concerned about why your changeling father is trying to conceal the fact that he is your father from you. It’s not like changelings pick a shape and then stick to it forever. He could literally just flick his blue eyes or golden nails or whatever and you would know that it’s your dad.
Edit: Wait is this a meta meme about some dude banging his dad?
Bro. Fireball does 8d6 and each set only comes with 1d6 so that’s 8 sets at a minimum.
All y’all saying you can buy d6’s in bulk are getting blocked.
Great choice for Arcane Tricksters. Near mandatory I’d say.
People forget that California all by itself is larger, more populated, and has a wider variety of biomes than many countries.
This is funny, I see your point but would rule the opposite. Because the bag wouldn’t be able to close due to a neck being in the way it wouldn’t seal the pocket dimension and I would rule the guard would still be able to breath (and scream) through the bag.