• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • In my opinion they made a huge mistake in trying to refresh The Crow with a modern Gen Z lens. I think a lot of modern retakes have been done well, but this character is so deeply rooted in that 90s grungy alt rock metal culture that trying to remove him from it just makes him a really bland emo antihero. I personally think they should have leaned hard into the nostalgia factor and cranked the crunchy guitar up to 11 with just a bit of modern freshness. I don’t know what musicians would have been appropriate to tackle that in the 2020s.

  • He is baffled by the focus of assets. Thousands of people from across the world came together to create these beautifully meticulous visual details, yet nobody bothered to make sure the game is actually fun to play.

    Also, I know I’m going to be gunned down on this hill but BOTW is boring. I have tried again and again to get through that game and can’t push myself beyond 10-15ish hours. It’s like everyone that is raving about it has never played a basic open world game before. It has a cool physics system but that can’t prop up the fact that the huge open world is just EMPTY and when you do finally find something to interact with it’s either 1)One of 4 enemy types that you can either use the physics engine to cheese or just whack at using the most basic combat system imaginable (and you’ll be punished for using with a broken weapon), or 2) an incredibly basic “dungeon” that involves 1-3 simple puzzles and maybe another boring fight.

    To top it off the writing is absolutely atrocious, so you can’t even rely on that to drive you through the mediocre gameplay. I just don’t get it.

  • Same. I was taught that the Internet was for anonymity. You never supplied details from your real life to the internet and largely treated it as a hostile environment. The Internet was cool and full of information but also dangerous. Today I am still a little weirded out by how open people are with their personal information online.