Absolute degenerate here.
Absolute degenerate here.
You’re the first lowlife I have called a propagandist. The shoe fits.
You did not use it correctly. At all. Russian imperialism and the poor positioning of tankies is well documented. It is not anecdotal. Absolutely braindead.
And I seriously doubt you have any real work to do at such a young age.
Your tankie philosophy is nothing but hypocrisy. That would be the incoherent part. Which makes it ironic you would say that.
Please explain, without using ChatGPT, how egalitarianism is incoherent.
Both spread Russian propaganda.
Examples - Ukraine started the war. Putin is not a dictator. Western/NATO expansion is aggressive encroachment and Russia has a sovereign duty to defend itself.
This last one is funny considering Russia no longer controls those territories and Russia themselves are the invaders.
Tankies are Russian and Chinese imperialists. They hate America for its imperialism, but love Russia and China for theirs. They’re also very pro-genocide while simultaneously denying genocides.
AnCaps want a stateless society, but it is a misdirection to install neo-feudalism. For some reason they believe they’ll be on top.
Jesus H Christ you have absolutely nothing of value to say.
I mean I get it, English as a second language is really hard, right comrade?
Wow, it took you two hours to thesaurus your way into an asinine statement. You don’t even know what anecdotal means!
The irony of a tankie saying I have an incoherent political philosophy. Lmao I must be talking to a 20 year old or a propagandist. You genuinely know nothing.
It is egalitarianISM by the way. You can’t even speak properly.
Lmao not even close. I am egalitarian.
Edited to be less hostile!
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Sic semper tyrannis. The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.
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Fuck libertarians.
Fuck tankies.
Luigi is a hero
Still nothing of value to say and your literacy is incredibly poor. Must be very young.